Thursday 2 July 2015

Not long to go!

The children of Class 3 have been busy preparing for the KS2 Summer Show this week.  Can I just say how wonderfully behaved all Class 3 have been during these long, hot rehearsals.  Well done everyone for the wonderful costumes and thank you parents for your support in this matter.  We have a dress rehearsal on Monday morning with the afternoon show on Tuesday and evening show on Thursday.I am sure you will be impressed with all of KS2.

The children have learnt to use a protractor this week measuring and comparing acute, right an obtuse angles with great success.   We have also look at similes and metaphors in literacy. Today in Science, the children in Year 3 created their own animals and explained their adaptations to their habitat.

We are beginning to see some wonderful river models come into class as children complete their homework.  Can I just remind everyone that they should try to stick as close as possible to their designs as we will be evaluating what makes a good designer and it will be interesting to see how near the models are to the designs.  All models should be in by next Friday, 10th July 2015.

Next week we shall continue with angles in maths and look at how we can successfully make translations of shapes as well as complete our mystery and suspense stories as well as wonderful performances to look forward to.

Mrs S