Tuesday 10 March 2015

More cooking !

The second Monday of cooking took place yesterday.  Again, many thanks to Mrs Toyne for another sterling job in the kitchen!!  This week the children learnt how to assemble ingredients to make a stunning fruit dessert - meringue filled with cream and fresh fruit!  

This week the children are busy learning subtraction through either counting up or using written methods (as per the school calculation policy).  This will lead to the children learning how to subtract money and use decimals this week. In Literacy we have begun to learn how to write like a journalist and will culminate our learning by writing an article about water pollution next week. 

We carry on with our learning of water pollution and how this may affect Rotorua.  Last week the children also learnt about the water cycle.  

Can I just say that the homework produced by the children last week was exceptional - we were really impressed, well done everyone!!  I will be asking the children to complete questions on key facts about New Zealand - I know that they may have already covered this in previous homework but this is seen as consolidation of knowledge in preparation for their team presentations.  Subtraction games will be set via Active Learn.  Everyone is doing well on times tables and well done to Kirsty who achieved 100/100 in Mr Wainwright's Timestables Challenge, and also to those of my Year 3s who also had a good attempt this week - keep going! 

Oaks and Acorns meet with our Year 4s on Thursday and will be looking at food chains.  This will also be the science coverage for Year 3 this week.

I have been lucky to work with a coach from Colchester Gymnastics and have seen some wonderful progression in the skills of our Class 3.  From forward rolls to the first stages of jumping from a vault the children have all done wonderfully well and their faces have been a joy to watch.

As always I leave you with a selection of photos ...
Mrs Smith

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