Friday 29 April 2016

Reasoning about Shapes

We have all worked really well this morning to show our understanding and reasoning about 2D and 3D shapes.  We investigated what shapes we could make with a certain number of straws and blocks of clay and got really messy!  We made tetrahedrons, cuboids and square based pyramids.  Who can remember the shape they made from cutting up a square into 4 triangles?  what was the perimeter?  did it have parallel sides?

Have a great weekend everyone and see you on Tuesday next week!! 

Mr. Wainwright

All the edges are the same length

It's a tetrahedron!

What is the name for a triangular based pyramid?

Measuring the perimeter of the right angled triangle

Sunday 24 April 2016

The Wonderful World of Roald Dahl!

I absolutely love Roald Dahl!

     We have had such a great start to the Summer term and have already learnt so much about this fabulous man! ---------------->

So far, we've looked in more detail about his life (which was so full and exciting!) and we've written information about him in a type of biography.  All of Class 3 have some unusual facts--- feel free to add them in the comments section!

We've also started a dance using a song from Matilda the Musical and started to learn how to sing it- it's so tricky but already looks fabulous!

Unfortunately, Maths hasn't been Dahl-based but the class have been so proud of their work on 2d shape! They have managed to cram so much in this week- identifying properties, calculating area and perimeter and have also squeezed some problem solving in too! Wow! Here are some photos of some Marvellous Maths!  

In Science, Year 3 are learning about Plants, Rocks & Fossils. We started this unit by dissecting a daffodil and naming and labelling its different parts! Here are some examples :


Looking forward to another busy week!

Mrs Ward :)

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Imaginative 'Big Write'

Class 3 we will be doing some shared writing on Thursday this week linked to the Chapter-  'Miss. Honey' from Matilda.  We will be reading the text linked to the video clip in the post below.  Our challenge is to show all our learning in our own continuation of the chapter from when Miss. Honey realises Matilda's amazing mathematical ability.  If you would like, you can add some sentences as a comment to this post also showing your learning of:
- using the past tense
- different sentence openers
- using a superlative (-est) and comparative (-er) adjectives
- using an exclamatory sentence with what / how as a statement of emotion
- using a range of punctuation marks:  ?  ,  !  ....
- adding exciting descriptions using adjectives and adverbs

Miss Honey - Matilda

Saturday 16 April 2016

Telling the time, exclamatory sentences and Roald Dahl art...

Just a quick post to say well done to Class 3 for your super efforts this week!  We have worked really hard to 'master' telling the time with some solving a challenging Thinking Things Through task where they needed to be able to read all different clock times.  We started our weekly times tables quizzes again this week with some impressive scores, don't forget to keep learning the table you are on to get that score of 8/10 or higher.
Mrs. Ward has marked all your warm piece mystery stories and I enjoyed reading some while I was marking your comprehension work and sentences using exclamatory statements this week too.  Who can add an exclamatory sentence using 'what' or 'how' at the start as a comment on this post?  Remember it needs to show emotion and not be a question.
Finally, well done on your superb Roald Dahl artwork, we will display some more in the classroom next week.  Quentin Blake watch out, Class 3 are coming to get you....
Don't forget your home learning for Mrs. Ward and active learn additional activities that I have set.  It was great to see so many Bug Club champions from Easter holidays reading.

Mr. Wainwright