Wednesday 20 April 2016

Imaginative 'Big Write'

Class 3 we will be doing some shared writing on Thursday this week linked to the Chapter-  'Miss. Honey' from Matilda.  We will be reading the text linked to the video clip in the post below.  Our challenge is to show all our learning in our own continuation of the chapter from when Miss. Honey realises Matilda's amazing mathematical ability.  If you would like, you can add some sentences as a comment to this post also showing your learning of:
- using the past tense
- different sentence openers
- using a superlative (-est) and comparative (-er) adjectives
- using an exclamatory sentence with what / how as a statement of emotion
- using a range of punctuation marks:  ?  ,  !  ....
- adding exciting descriptions using adjectives and adverbs


  1. "Then could you tell me what 479 x 19 is?" Miss Honey asked.

    "9101," Matilda said.

    "What a clever girl!" Lavender said, feeling quite amazed.

  2. That was from Jonty

  3. Miss Honey was the proudest teacher of all, she was happier than if she had won the lottery.

    By Jonty

  4. Well Jonty, that's what I call keen! Great sentences and inclusions of the superlative and explanatory sentence. I'm looking forward to reading your writing tomorrow.

  5. Is it true that Miss Trunchball is coming to Fordham to replace you Mr Wainwright?

    Where will you out the chokey?

    1. I do hope not! I think I would be scared of her.
