Thursday 26 May 2016

Michael Rosen watch out Class 3 are about!!

I was immensely proud of Class 3 today and their performing of their poems they chose to learn.  The inspiration from Michael Rosen certainly had an effect too as we saw exceptional voice changes and actions. 
Below are a few videos from our morning.  Sorry they are rotated, my IT skills do not know how to rotate once they have been taken with the camera as portrait, any help please feel free to share!  We enjoyed performing in the outdoor classroom too.  A special well done to Mrs. Hitchiner who modelled the expectation with her recited poem at the start. 
Can I say a huge well done to all the Year 3 children who went to see Matilda the Musical yesterday in London. 
They were such great ambassadors for our school and we even had 2 sets of people come up to me and comment on the 'impeccable' behaviour of our children before, during and after the show!

Wishing you all a wonderful half term break!!

Mr. Wainwright


Thursday 19 May 2016

Our week....

I have to admit that this week has been a little mad!

Lots and lots and lots of chatting and rehearsing for the Talent Show (which, may I add, was absolutely brilliant!), class photos and obviously lots of learning thrown in the mix too!

In English, we are currently learning how to write poetry and have focussed this on Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes. Some of his poetry is so funny! Class 3 have had great fun trying to find rhyming words and creating poems based around an alternative version of Matilda. We also achieved a huge accomplishment this week because finally we got to the end of reading Matilda! It was such a good book even if my voice did become super hoarse from becoming The Trunchbull so frequently!

Maths has been very impressive and all of the children showed me how well they can use mental methods to help them to add and subtract.


A few 'well done's' and 'thank you's':

- Thank you very much to Mrs Dixon for her amazing contribution to our classroom decorations! The Snozzcumbers that you all made look absolutely brilliant!

- An overdue 'Well Done' to Ashton for his amazing signing to Ipswich FC. Like I've mentioned to you already- I can't wait for you to pay for my World Cruise when you're playing in the Premier League! :)

- Well Done to all the children who participated in the Talent Show. I was so proud of each and every one of you.


Looking forward to next week already!

Mrs Ward

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Dream Big Competition

It would have been Roald Dahl's 100th Birthday this year if he was still alive.  To mark this we are sharing with you Blue Peter's 'Dream Big' competition. 

Click here- Blue Peter Dream Big

We will be doing some imagination writing in the week before half term but will not be able to get the competition entries submitted in time by doing it all in school.  If you would like your child to enter please complete the entry from the link above.   This is not a home learning task and is purely optional.

If you do enter the children can use their ideas from it in our 'Dream Big' piece of writing in the final week of this half term..   We have seen such great examples of the children's imagination and we are sure they will excel in this piece of writing.

Mr. Wainwright

Friday 6 May 2016

Performance Poetry

We have been inspired by the poems and performances of Michael Rosen this week.  All of Class 3 have chosen a poem of their own to learn and to perform on the last day before half term.   These will be coming home with them today.  The children have been thinking about how they would change their voices as they read it and what actions they may add to improve their 'performance' for the audience.  This introduction to poetry will help them with our upcoming work on Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes.  The picture above is of our wonderful display of writing and art inspired by Mr. Dahl himself....

Below are pictures from RE today with Mme. Brown with the groups of children looking at the differences between the key sacred texts from around the world.

The Car Trip by Michael Rosen