Thursday 19 May 2016

Our week....

I have to admit that this week has been a little mad!

Lots and lots and lots of chatting and rehearsing for the Talent Show (which, may I add, was absolutely brilliant!), class photos and obviously lots of learning thrown in the mix too!

In English, we are currently learning how to write poetry and have focussed this on Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes. Some of his poetry is so funny! Class 3 have had great fun trying to find rhyming words and creating poems based around an alternative version of Matilda. We also achieved a huge accomplishment this week because finally we got to the end of reading Matilda! It was such a good book even if my voice did become super hoarse from becoming The Trunchbull so frequently!

Maths has been very impressive and all of the children showed me how well they can use mental methods to help them to add and subtract.


A few 'well done's' and 'thank you's':

- Thank you very much to Mrs Dixon for her amazing contribution to our classroom decorations! The Snozzcumbers that you all made look absolutely brilliant!

- An overdue 'Well Done' to Ashton for his amazing signing to Ipswich FC. Like I've mentioned to you already- I can't wait for you to pay for my World Cruise when you're playing in the Premier League! :)

- Well Done to all the children who participated in the Talent Show. I was so proud of each and every one of you.


Looking forward to next week already!

Mrs Ward


  1. What a lovely, positive and brimming with pride blog Mrs W! It is very lovely to see teachers publically gushing over their children. What a team you all are!

  2. Hey class 3. I realise Bob Marley was sooooo last month but this was too good not to share and let's face it, there's always time for a bit of Bob

