Sunday 22 January 2017

Welcome to 2017!

Welcome back to the new year in Class 3!  We have all enjoyed the start to our new topic, Africa, and in Class 3 we will be focusing on the country of Ghana.  All children have come back so settled and have worked so hard already in all subjects: dividing in maths, studying Anansi stories in English and producing some beautiful art work in the style of artist Martin Bulinya (do pop into the cloakroom area to have a look if you get a minute!)

I do apologise as it seems a little late in the month to be welcoming you all back but there is reason for this.....

This term in Class 3 we are going to be trialling a new method of communication which will allow more instant access to learning updates, photographs of our learning and communication of any school or class notices.  This is through an online platform, Class Dojo, available through a website or APP.   We are always looking for ways to improve communication between school and home and we recognise how important it is for you all to feel part of what's going on in school.  All the information you need will be coming home in bags tomorrow so please keep a look out and sign up as soon as possible. 

Mrs McMillan

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