Friday 11 July 2014

The last couple of weeks !

We are fast approaching the end of term (sob!).  This has been the busiest half term to date - when I think back, we have had a week of assessments, sports day(s), summer show (and all our rehearsals), summer fayre and now your reports are being sent home and we have only 7 school days left before you will be enjoying your summer break and the end of  Year 3 or Year 4.

Homework this week was sent out on Thursday (for return on Wednesday, 16 July).  In maths you have been asked to identify as many of the different lines that you have been learning this week (horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, parallel) on a photograph of the school hall.  In Literacy I would like you to ask your parent's permission to look at the "Send a Cow" website.  This is a charity set up to help ease poverty in Africa through practical farming, emotional support and a culture of sharing. In keeping with our own World Cup Final, your homework is to design a new football strip BUT don't forget you must put your reasons for choice of design. You were given two separate pre-printed sheets for this.

Beginning our science investigation into air resistance 

New Class 3 on Transition Day
Writing stimulus - "What is under the rug
and how did it get there?"

with some super mathematicians showing
their number bond skills (3 digit numbers!)

Enjoying Literacy 

All ready for a dress rehearsal 

Mrs Smith 


  1. my brother said it was really good Oli.ST

  2. Everyone who do you think was the best bear in the summer show
