Friday 5 September 2014

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new Class 3!!

How great to be back!  Our new Class 3 had a brilliant first day.  We managed to get ourselves in a tangle which meant working as a team to untangle ourselves.  This was a good ice-breaker and team building exercise, I hope the photos show the enjoyment on the faces of our team as they worked together.

Our afternoon activity was to paint portraits of the staff in Class 3 also being charged with painting Bev in the Office and Becky in the kitchen. Again a fun afternoon which was enjoyed by all.

Children:  please remember that although you have no homework as such, you are asked to cover your new homework book in pictures or posters, wallpaper, drawing, anything you like that is personal to you. Your homework book does not need to be in School until Thursday. Also please can you remember to write neatly your name on your new reading journal and bring it in ready for Monday.

Can I add a 'gentle reminder' that names must be clearly marked on water bottles please.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday,

Mrs Smith


  1. Thank you for a lovely day. See you on monday love Callum E xxx

  2. I enjoyed playing Tangled on the playground.
