Monday 15 September 2014

An exciting time !

Well, the whole school received some visitors on Monday.  Ms Rayner called us quickly to the hall and we rushed to find out what all the fuss was about - two visitors from the Stone Age had made their way to our School!  They were dressed funny and couldn't speak (only for grunts).  At first they couldn't get out of the School hall, but once out they foraged for food in the hedges (and didn't use a knife or fork!) and warmed themselves up by a fire.  Finally they were doing really funny things with rocks - Class 3 thought they might be making tools to kill animals with.

After such an eventful start to the week Class 3 begun learning all about Non-Chronological reports, began to look at suffixes, learnt all about number bonds and had some hard thinking in their final math's lesson to work out how to add different given numbers to  40, 100 and 120.

In science we began our Rocks investigation by taking a walk around our School to find different rocks, compare them and discussed what other materials which might be made out of rock.

This week Class 3 will continue their work on Non-Chronological Reports specifically looking at the Neolithic settlement found in Skara Brae.  Maths will be learning all about place value, greater/less than and comparing and ordering numbers.  Science will be a comparison of different rocks at a closer inspection.

Foundation subjects will include footwork skills in netball, map and atlas work in Geography, Hinduism in RE and friendship in PSHE.

Homework set last week included the first use of Maths activities via activelearn.  Inside the front cover I stuck details of how the children can log on and once logged will see their allocated work (each task covers 3 different levels).  I will be showing the children how to log on during the week but if any parent has trouble please come and see me.  Thank you to all the children who managed to 'personalise' their homework books.  They were great!

Scary visitors !

Considering the different types of rock

Look what we found!

Comparing different types of rock

What rock is this?

Feeling the different properties of rock


  1. Today im doing my homework but i frogot the school cod and the password please help

  2. Daniel, if it is your maths homework on Active Learn, your login is:

    username: danielno
    password: changeme
    school code: fasc

  3. I enjoyed doing my maths homework.

  4. Maths homework what are you talking about?

  5. Ooops forgot the name its me sorry if its late its Holly

  6. Hi I'm ill because i have a high temperature a sore throat
