Friday 19 December 2014

Six more sleeps to go!!

As I write my final blog for 2014 I cannot believe all that the School has achieved since September and how proud I am of my class for their part in this.  We really have grown as Team 3, it often takes a while for children to settle after their transition from KS1 to 2 but we have got there.  Such a wonderful group of children to teach.

A couple of different arrangements for next year: the children will have Squash lessons on a Monday afternoon and Football lessons (Colchester United) on a Tuesday morning.  Homework will now be given out on a Wednesday and is asked for return Monday for marking.  We intend to have a more vigorous focus on  times-tables, incorporating a weekly check of where the children are in their tables knowledge.  We would like to encourage more from Class 3 to take part in Mr Wainwright's times-tables challenge!!  You will be informed of our curriculum coverage on the first day back in the new terms.

So here are a final few photos and a video of the children singing in French!

All remains for me to say is have the most enjoyable Christmas holiday.  Relax, enjoy and I hope that the children are suitably tired that you will get a lie-in or two!!

Mrs Smith

Thursday 11 December 2014

Thursday, 11th December 2014

I science we recordid a vido of are science investigtigation.Are investilgation was does the tempurature of water affect the speed of dissolving. I found out that the hotter the water the quiker sugar disolved.  i enjoued the lesson and loved making me video  emily cook

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Our Sheilds

I really liked painting and designing my shield.  I really liked making the bosses out of mudrock.  The most challenging part was making the ball (the boss).  Louis

I am very pleasd with my shield because I made lots of mistakes. so the the shield was very difrent to my desin.But the mistakes actuly improved my shield! By Saxen bailey toyne

Balanced Arguments and Debates

Dear All

We had much fun today in class with our debate.  We are looking at Balanced Arguments in Literacy and children were split into four groups.  Two groups had to come up with reasons 'for' and two 'against'.  We hope to have another debate nearer the end of our literacy unit showing much improvement!

Well done Calum who proved himself to be an excellent team leader.

Mrs Smith

Monday 1 December 2014

Local Study

In our theme afternoon we looked on google earth and found different places in Fordham. We labelled them on our maps. Liberty

We had a look on our maps to find the three horse shoes and Fordham School. We had a look on the computer to look at photos of Fordham. Jessica

Dear Parents

The children were very enthusiastic to be introduced to Google Earth and Maps and used these to look at Fordham village this afternoon.  However each group only had about 5 minutes to use.  As the children were keen,  I promised that I would ask that perhaps you allow your child to use Google Earth/Maps at home under your supervision.

Many thanks

Mrs Smith