Sunday 8 February 2015

Last week before half term (oh, and homework!!)

Dear All

This week we shall be concentrating very hard thinking things through using multiplication to solve problems.  We shall also be looking at how to write a Haiku correctly in Literacy.  A busy week is expected for our themed groups as they make final preparations for their DT project next half term. Alongside this Class 3 shall also be participating in their final squash lessons before learning gymnastics next half term.

Homework - Homework will be given out tomorrow (Monday, 9th).  This homework is not due in until the first day back after half term.  There will be two maths sheets and these will be expected to be completed alongside an Active Learn activity that I have allocated today.  Disappointingly not all children have been completing their AL activities.  Please try to encourage your child to do so as this is seen very much as part of their homework.  The AL allocated today will enable me to assess the children's 3 and 4 times tables knowledge, (we get a results sheet!).

Literacy homework - I shall be asking all children to look at the BBC 500 word competition website (  This is a wonderful resource for successful writing.  On the blog I will be expecting children to write their own top tip for writing a winning story based on what they have read on the website. They do NOT have to write a story, just post a 'tip'.   If any child wishes to write a 500 word story and would like to use a story that they have written in class to improve upon, I shall gladly photocopy it for them to work on at home over the holiday. I shall be in my classroom this Wednesday lunchtime to help any child wishing to enter the competition, entries must be received by 26th February 2015.

Pancake Races - as you can imagine we are all looking forward to Friday morning.  Your child must bring in their own pan and pancake.  I am sure you can guess what I am going to say, but please can their equipment be in a bag clearly marked with their name!  I am sure you can understand the wish to avoid confusion at the end of the day with 30 unnamed pans flying everywhere!

Last week before hols  - can't wait to enjoy it!!

Mrs Smith


  1. keep questioning your self and think what your saying does it make sense? I would like to enter the 500 word challenge can you photocopy of my work tomorrow? Emily cook

  2. My Top tip is to write a story plan first, and describe how the characters are moving, feeling and actions. You need to remember lots of powerful adjectives and adverbs by Callum Easton

  3. don't forget to spell correctly use the correct punctutaion think of stores and films by Elliana

  4. Look at interesting or unusual pictures or objects and let your imagination create something interesting and Conrad.

  5. Create new words and characters to make it more interesting. Also create unusual things to happen like a worm ate a bird instead of a bird eating a worm.
