Saturday 14 November 2015

Cosmic Learning!!

This week we  discovered our camera!  So a catch-up of photos at the end of this blog.

Firstly, I would like to say a big thank you to Friends of Fordham for the donation of a new Class camera.  We shall take very good care of this one and make sure it doesn't get misplaced (or taken by strange aliens!).

The children have been busy making their own space helmets out of art roc.  We just have the Year 2s to complete next week. Art roc is a plaster of paris which is incredibly messy and so we would like to say a special thank you to Mrs Sibley (who resembled a snowman after her two days of helping the children) and Mr Martin who had the task of mopping up after us!  This week we shall hopefully have 'dry' space helmets to  design and paint.

We have had a great week continuing our learning of multiplication and have progressed to division. The children will continue this next week to make sure they are confident in solving multiplication and division problems before moving on to fractions.  Please continue to practice times tables at home - it makes all the difference.  Well done to all those children who are having a go at Mr Wainwright's multiplication challenge - keep going and get that masters certificate!

During literacy we have continued to learn how to write newspaper reports.  Today we wrote our final plan for writing our own newspaper report on the Apollo 11 moon landing.  It has been great to hear that the children have been discussing this at home - Dylan has certainly learnt from his Dad! Well done both.  We will then move on to writing adventure stories.

Our Year 2s joined Mrs Masterman and her class on a wonderful visit to the Cathedral this week.  I know that they all came back excited and enthused after their visit.  Talking with Mrs Masterman it seems the trip was valuable to our children's religious learning with many activities such as role play and writing prayers.  Thank you to Mrs Masterman and her team.  Can I just remind families of Year 2s to also check the Class 2 blog for updates on our joint learning, particularly for Science.

The Year 3s are continuing their science unit on light.  This has involved blindfolds to help us learn that dark is the absence of light and how important it is to wear florescent materials to be safely seen at night.  Next week we shall progress to understand that light travels in straight lines.

Homework was sent home this week.  Especially for Sophie's Dad, we have asked the children to build their own rocket (this will help the children to write descriptively next week).  Can I ask that the children make a rocket which is no longer than 30 cm.  I am sorry if this restricts those creative minds, however it is just a simple case of having enough display space in the classroom.  The models can be made out of any thing (cardboard, recyclable bits, tins etc). I have even heard a whisper of an edible rocket!

Thank you for supporting our School Council and their efforts to raise money for Children in Need today.  The children looked marvelous and I am told by Mrs McMillan that the Cake Sale was a great success.  I can't wait to find out how much the children raised.

Finally, next week is Friendship Week.  It seems timely to remind the children of the importance of e-safety and in particular 'on-line friendships'.  Perhaps you could also discuss e-safety with the children at home.  To help you these are the websites we recommend : childnet and kidsmart. The links for which can actually be reached through the Parents section of our main website (Safeguarding and Child Protection).

Using our senses to guide ourselves through the dark!

Watch out for those planets as you travel through space!

Mirroring movements is an important aspect of creative dance

Creating movement to Holst's Mars from the Planet Suite

Yes, the Space Dome!

Apologies for wet uniforms this week!

We had to measure first to create the right size ....

of our balloons!

Cutting the art roc - a very messy business

Our first collection of space helmets.

Rocket maths - finding missing multiplication numbers

We are safe, we are seen, we are reflective
(and in the background our display to help us order the planets, created
by the children)

In a dark cupboard - investigating light!
Reflection from a light source

Our children in need day!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs S


  1. It looks like it's been another very exciting week and I can't wait to see the finished space helmets on the children!! From Alexandra's mum.

  2. I must say that Sophie has really been enjoying and inspired the "Space" topic. She often comes home talking about the exciting lessons of the day. She (or should I say we!) really enjoyed making the rocket, although I was merely the sellotape holder in the end! She even exclaimed "this is the best homework ever!" and wanted to produce a plan for her rocket voluntarily, which was a welcome surprise! Many thanks, as ever, for the excellent and informative blog, Mrs Smith.

    Sophie's dad

  3. I have been making Tim Peake's Soyuz rocket and it is paper mache. I've also made the space craft that goes to the space station. Lift off is on the 15th December 2015 - so a few weeks away! Iris

  4. I hear all the rockets arrive at school tomorrow - I can't wait to see them all. Tom (Iris's dad)

  5. I heard recently that there is grave concern among "spacey sciencey people" that no new people are coming up through the ranks to continue investigation into our galaxy and beyond. They are attempting to encourage youngsters to study topics that will enable them to become an astronaut when they are older. Hello?! Did anyone invite them to class 3. What's all the fuss about. There's no fear of lack of enthusiasm and lack of keen and eager wannabe astronauts. I think I might put a call in and get your names down space troopers. Remember, the universe is the limit

  6. I realy injoid this week Mrs Smith!!!! I loved doing artrock,sory that I got (realy) wet!! I hope we can do it again! I loved making space helmits!! Sophie
