Friday 27 November 2015

Power Down Day and all that ...

We seemed to have space raced through this week!  Firstly I would like to say a big thank you for the amazing rockets that have been created as part of the children's home learning.  And an even bigger thank you to all those families who remembered the restriction on size!  As I hope some of you will have seen, the rockets are now flying in space (well, ok hanging from the lights).  I am sure you will agree that they look marvellous.  We had a real array of creativity from edible to lego built rockets.  

Next week's home learning will be to produce a guide for 'everything you know about fractions'.  Again this can be as creative as you like from pop-up posters to models showing factions.  The home learning will be due in on Monday, 7th December 2015.

This week the children have begun to learn more about fractions - recognising what a fraction is and its equivalence.  There has been some great progress this especially from the Year 2s.  Next week we will be learning fractions of amounts, objects and numbers and learning that if we know, say, 1/4 then we can work out 3/4.

Literacy next week will be continuing to learn how to write that all important description of a scene - the where and the when.  Last week we had fun learning that we could use our five senses to help us write scene descriptions.  

The children had a great couple of days learning and composing their own musical pieces with Mrs Martin at the beginning of the week.  Well done Mrs Martin and Mrs Sibley for not complaining too much about the headaches!  

Our space helmets continue to be the focus of our afternoons.  We have added visors and a layer of white paint.  Next week we shall complete our space logo to add to the helmets.

Today the children have all enjoyed learning in the dark as the School took part in Power Down Day.  The morning saw the children design their own garden. The brief was to design a garden to attract bees.  As we know bees are a vital part of our eco-system and I think the children all enjoyed the challenge.  Some great designs were created and all will be entered into a class competition with the winning design being created in our own Veg Trugs (kindly donated by Friends of Fordham).  

This afternoon the children produced posters to encourage people to remember the 4 Rs - re-cycle, reduce, reuse and repair.  We had a very good chat about how the children and their families might try to use one of these at home. Watch out for children turning lights off behind you and asking for teddies to be sewn up!

Have a great weekend.

Mrs S
A little bit of extra home learning - thank you Imogen!

We created our own Space timeline

Fabulous edible rocket

Sophie used her design skills from lessons to create the perfect plan to build her rocket

Now it's your turn - composing their own space theme

Cutting the shape to size and adding visors

Adding a bit of measurement to Power Down Day 


  1. Class 3 ssshhhhh! Don't tell Grace Face I'm writing on here. I'm currently sat in a dark corner of our house typing because everywhere I go she turns the lights off and shuts everything down! (Eyes roll).

    I must say however, how refreshing it is to see a bunch of bright children be super aware of their responsibility to look after our planet. Bravo!

    It appears another fab week of hard work, effort and enthusiasm. You sure didn't power down your enthusiasm for learning.

    1. They are super efficient Mrs Squire. Great at energy saving ideas, effort, hard work and enthusiasm as you say (just not too sure about being tidy yet!!)

      Mrs S

  2. Fordham children are so bright i'm surprised we ever need to use the lights!

  3. Wow! Another wonderful week of exciting learning. I don't remember school being half as interesting as this when I went (many, many years ago!!!).

    Sophie looks so proud of her rocket homework, as she should be and so should all the children! All the rockets looked fantastic!! I wonder if she will be as enthusiastic about the fractions homework (I'm sure she will)!!

    Sophie's Dad

    1. Wow, Mr Browne welcome on board!! So pleased that you have commented on our little ol blog. It is really fun here and you have earned Sophie a house point too!!

      PS of course she is excited about fraction homework - we don't mind if its another to demonstrate what fractions are!!

      Mrs S

    2. woops missed out *model* - apologies!!

  4. I LOVE MAKING THE SPACE HELMETS when are we all going to space then mrs smith i`m going to love are homework yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i love class 3 its the best.charlotte

  5. Erm, I think we should try to get a shuttle built before I leave at the end of term and blast off!

    Charlotte I am so pleased to hear that you are enjoying Class 3. I've just allocated more bug club books and maths games. Make sure you give yourself 3 house points tomorrow for being so good with this resource and then an extra house point for writing on the blog!!

    Mrs S

  6. I have enjoyed making my space helmet! Elise

  7. Rebecca (Evie-May's Mum)11 December 2015 at 05:41

    Wow class 3 you have been very busy. The rockets look fab flying high above the classroom. Your space helmets aren't rally starting to take shape, I can't wait to see the finished product. We are all very good at recycling in the Edwards household but not
    So good at turning off the lights (I think we need to work on that GIRLS!). Sorry we haven't been on bugg club I have forgotten Evie-Mays details and we are not able to access it. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week at school.
