Saturday 22 October 2016

Viking Bread!

This week we had a go at a bit of Viking Cooking.  Great fun was had by children as they had to follow the recipe and add the right amount of cups of different ingredients.  

 They all enjoyed kneading their bread.

And then into the oven they went.

Well.....we know the Vikings were tough, fierce warriors but they must have had the strongest teeth to get into that bread!  Hence why it didn't make it home due to it being slightly inedible and I wanted to save you emergency trips to the dentist over half term! However, it didn't spoil the enjoyment children got from it.  We will be having another go at some cooking next half term as they are all very keen to bring something home to share with you!  

In other news this week: Year 2 enjoyed a visit from Mrs Squire, a police officer, who helped them understand what the police do, the class enjoyed  their last football session with Colchester United and I had the pleasure of sitting down with each and every child to discuss how their half term has been in Class 3 in our learning conferences.  It was really lovely to see children reflecting on their learning over the past 7 weeks and I know they are looking forward to sharing some of their work with you next half term when we all meet for our next learning conference.

Thank you all for your ongoing support throughout the half term, have a lovely break and see you on Tuesday 1st November.

Mrs McMillan

Saturday 15 October 2016

The Vikings

Following on from our learning with 'How to Train your Dragon,' we have now started learning about the real Vikings!  We learnt about how and when they first came and settled in Britain.  We looked at the boats they came in and had a go at making our own.  All children worked independently designing, cutting and putting their boat together.  Here are just a few of the finished boats. 

Children have all written their own stories about Hiccup the Viking this week and I have been so impressed with the progress children have showed in their warm writing.  Look out for new wonderful writers next week.

In maths we have concluded our learning on addition for the time being and are going to be learning about subtraction next.  We learnt a range of different games to play with a partner on a hundred square which introduced the concept of subtraction. 

I am looking forward to sitting down with all children next week in our first learning conferences to look at successes and progress already this half term. 

Wishing you all a happy and relaxing weekend,

Mrs McMillan

Friday 7 October 2016

How to Train your Dragon

Class 3 have gone dragon crazy this week as we have been using How To Train your Dragon to help us with our English learning as well as having fun with it in other areas of the curriculum too.  We all had a go at writing our own page of the Dragon Manual for either a dragon that we had seen or one that we created ourselves.  There were some very scary and creative ideas for dragons indeed!  

We then continued by learning about powerful adjectives, noun phrases and sentences with 3 ideas.  We put all these together in some excellent descriptions of the gruesome Vikings.  As always, there was excellent writing by everybody but a special 'Well Done' goes to our Wonderful Writers this week: Hollie, Megan, Natalie, Joshua, Lacey-Fae, Alexandra and Amelie. 

We enjoyed getting close and even riding some of the dragons ourselves with clever Green Screen Technology in Computing.

In music this week we have been developing our rhythm skills by repeating and practising different rhythms.  We used a game of 'cop, robber, thief' to help us play rhythms with different length notes and we even had a go at using the correct musical note symbols to record some of our rhythms.

Well done Class 3 for another GREAT week.

Wishing you all a happy and relaxing weekend,

Mrs McMillan

Saturday 1 October 2016

In maths we have been securing methods for addition this week.  Year 3 have been developing their understanding of formal column addition by playing games on the exchange board with Base 10.  Year 2 have been securing their use of number lines to help add as well as starting to use an expanded written method for larger numbers. 

In Science, Year 3 enjoyed investigating magnetism whilst Year 2 have been continuing their learning about different materials. 

In RE, children have moved on to learning about worship in the Hindu religion.  However, as promised, here is picture of the wonderful church that Class 3 made during their learning about Christian worship. 

Finally, I would like to apologise, maths homework books are still sitting on the classroom floor.  They are all ready to go so this will come home on Monday.  I am sorry that children do no have the weekend so if you would like more time please do speak to me. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, it looks like the sun might shine for it!

Mrs McMillan