Saturday 1 October 2016

In maths we have been securing methods for addition this week.  Year 3 have been developing their understanding of formal column addition by playing games on the exchange board with Base 10.  Year 2 have been securing their use of number lines to help add as well as starting to use an expanded written method for larger numbers. 

In Science, Year 3 enjoyed investigating magnetism whilst Year 2 have been continuing their learning about different materials. 

In RE, children have moved on to learning about worship in the Hindu religion.  However, as promised, here is picture of the wonderful church that Class 3 made during their learning about Christian worship. 

Finally, I would like to apologise, maths homework books are still sitting on the classroom floor.  They are all ready to go so this will come home on Monday.  I am sorry that children do no have the weekend so if you would like more time please do speak to me. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, it looks like the sun might shine for it!

Mrs McMillan


  1. I love your model of the church!

    1. Thank you Mrs Masterman, it is fab ian't it!!! All credit must be given to Mrs Allen and class 3 themselves!!

    2. I'm really pleased with the finished product! It must be said that the children cooperated brilliantly to make sure we had all the features we needed. Great papier-mâché work too thanks to Mrs H and her team of helpers.
      Watch this space for our weird and wonderful green screen photos next!
      Mrs A

  2. i liked doing the magnets experiment.

    1. I am pleased, I know you were very intrigued that the scissors attracted better in one direction than the other!!
