Saturday 22 October 2016

Viking Bread!

This week we had a go at a bit of Viking Cooking.  Great fun was had by children as they had to follow the recipe and add the right amount of cups of different ingredients.  

 They all enjoyed kneading their bread.

And then into the oven they went.

Well.....we know the Vikings were tough, fierce warriors but they must have had the strongest teeth to get into that bread!  Hence why it didn't make it home due to it being slightly inedible and I wanted to save you emergency trips to the dentist over half term! However, it didn't spoil the enjoyment children got from it.  We will be having another go at some cooking next half term as they are all very keen to bring something home to share with you!  

In other news this week: Year 2 enjoyed a visit from Mrs Squire, a police officer, who helped them understand what the police do, the class enjoyed  their last football session with Colchester United and I had the pleasure of sitting down with each and every child to discuss how their half term has been in Class 3 in our learning conferences.  It was really lovely to see children reflecting on their learning over the past 7 weeks and I know they are looking forward to sharing some of their work with you next half term when we all meet for our next learning conference.

Thank you all for your ongoing support throughout the half term, have a lovely break and see you on Tuesday 1st November.

Mrs McMillan


  1. I was wondering about this last you think we might have muddled up the recipe with the one for 'Viking bricks' ?!
    Mrs A

  2. Don't be too hard on yourselfs ladies. You rarely see a Viking with a full set of pearly whites, so I reckon viking bread was naturally rock like. Seems you nailed it!

    Your year 2's were a pleasure to speak with and very well behaved. A credit to you.

    1. Thank you, year 2 loved their morning learning about the police with you!

  3. yes the Viking bread is really rock solid but I had a lot of fun cooking it thank you Mrs Mcmillion

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it still even though we couldn't eat it!
