Friday 9 December 2016

What a creative week!

There has been some serious creativity going in Class 3 this week alongside our discussions about each child's learning in our termly learning conferences.  

For out DT project this term, linked with the Victorian invention of the photograph, children explored, designed and made their own photograph frames.  I think when you see the pictures you will agree with me that they are brilliant!!  What I particularly love is how different they are all and how they have all been inspired by different types of frames.  Thank you to Mrs Dixon and Mrs Allen for all your support with this.  

In Art, we have been studying the work of William Morris.  We designed a tile in the style of William Morris then enjoyed having a go at printing them in different patterns and colours.  

In amongst all of this creativity this week, Year 2 have been busy rehearsing for their nativity which we are all looking forward to watching them perform next week.  

Mrs McMillan

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