Friday 2 December 2016

Christingle time!

The festive period has certainly hit Class 3 this week but before I share our festive fun, here are our wonderful writers for this week as promised.  The quality of writing in role as a Victorian child in the workhouse was excellent in our recounts, but as always a special 'Well Done' goes to our wonderful writers this week: Natalie, Jude, Harrison, Charlotte, Hollie, Lacey-Fae and Murray.  

In preparation for our Christingle service this afternoon, we learnt about the meaning of each part of the Christingle for Christians.  We had great fun putting them together and are looking forward to lighting them as part of our service this afternoon.  

We look forward to seeing you soon in church ....

Mrs McMillan


  1. And what a lovely Christingle service it was!
    Thank you for the pictures,

  2. A pleasure! Glad you enjoyed the service, I thought it was lovely too and a great start to Christmas!
