Sunday 12 October 2014

Week beginning 19.10.14

We all had an exciting time at the Castle last week (photos will be posted - watch this space!), and Class 3 will be using this experience as a catalyst to enhance our learning over the coming weeks.  To begin we shall be looking at the design of Roman helmets and how we can design and make our own.

In Maths this week we shall once again be looking at time by using the 12 and 24 hour clock, reading analogue and digital clocks, working with Roman Numerals.  This will help the children to hopefully become more fluent in their knowledge.  Towards the end of the week we shall be making plasticine worms to assist us to estimate and then measure accurately.

Literacy will see the culmination of all the children's hard work in preparing to write their own Mythical story. Hopefully the children have remembered that part of their homework last week was to begin to formulate ideas for this story!

Science will follow on from the excellent presentation Reverend Parker gave the children on fossils last Thursday (for which we are very grateful). The children will be making their own fossils.

Finally, we shall begin to practice our 'Veggie Rap' for the Harvest assembly.  If any member of Class 3 has a baseball cap and some 'bling' to enhance this performance please bring them into school (named!!).

Just another exciting week to look forward to in Class 3!!

Mrs Smith


  1. I enjoyed the Castle visit and learning Roman numbers too.
    Emily Ch

  2. Hi sorry to interrupt but i really enjoy learning it's really fun don't you think too.By Holly Flatman

  3. I really liked learning how to write numbers in roman numarels.(kirsty)
