Friday 31 October 2014

It's Christmas (Well not quite!)

I cannot believe that time has flown so quickly and would really like to apologise for the delay in being in touch with you ... we have been so busy in Class 3!  However, as from the new half term children will be writing our Class 3 blog themselves. This will be timetabled for every Thursday and in groups, children will be able to be reflect on their learning for the week, understand areas of the Computing curriculum in a real context, as well as upload photos and let you have a sneaky peak at what is coming up for the following week.

To try to encapsulate the learning in Class 3 over the last two weeks of the half term I have uploaded many photos, including those I took on our very enjoyable trip to the Castle.

Next week we shall be learning more about Queen Boudicca, evaluating Roman Shields and designing our own, following instructions to make catapults (may I stress mini ones!), understanding our new value for this half term, Respect, finishing Coding with Mr Wainwright, discovering different materials, progressing our learning of place value and mental addition/subtraction and creating a dance entitled "During the Blitz".   As if this isn't enough, to whet the children's appetite, all will be allocated not only Active Learn Maths homework but reading books through our Bug Club scheme for them to enjoy as their homework.

For now I leave you with a selection of photos to enjoy and the hope that, as it is Halloween evening as I 'blog' to you, you have not all been scared to your whit's end with all things scary!!

Here's hoping all the children are rested and ready for the second half term and Christmas!

Mrs Smith

Half way through our story walk 

Measuring accurately

Finding the difference in lengths of worms 

Prepare our mixture for fossil making

Using Numicon to help our mathematical understanding

Mr Hemmings came to talk to us

Discovering our fossils


  1. What great pictures!! All that learning- fossils, measuring, Roman facts, science and more. I am looking forward to lots more this half term. You will all be able to share your coding games on the school website this half term remember. Well done Class 3 Team!

  2. I really enjoyed making the Celtic house on the castle trip (kirsty)
