Wednesday 26 November 2014

Are maths lesson Wednesday,26th November 2014

Today in maths we did some multiplication grids for example x  30   4  = 170 so we had a sheet to do it and we did section b and a bit of c. Daniel               5  150  20

Thursday 20 November 2014

Homework: 21st November 2014

Dear Children

Well done to those that remembered I had asked you to write a short descriptive paragraph to accompany the image stuck in your Homework books.  Apologies to those who couldn't remember, and couldn't find out from the Blog what to do.  You now have until Friday, 28th November to complete this task.

1. As we have been working on punctuation in speech I have copied a simple paragraph which  you will has at least no speech punctuation, some of you need to be careful as there may be other punctuation missing.  Your task is simply to show me where the correct punctuation should be.

2. As you know, you will be writing your own mystery and suspense story this week.  This is your chance to shine!  However, some preparation will be good - please therefore talk through a story plan with your parents or other adult and be prepared to write your story mountain on Wednesday.  Remember there is the Mystery of the Poisoned Pudding on Bug Club, or you can ask your parents to register on to access a copy of the text we have been reading in class entitled "Haunters".

3.I have allocated you all at least one new game on Active Learn for your maths homework.

Enjoy!  I can't wait to be reading your stories this time next week.

Off to Costa Coffee to buy a solution (Year 3s, you will understand!).  What might it be, what would be the soluble?

Mrs Smith

Week ending 21 November 2014

Dear Parents

The children have been working very hard this week,  They have taken on fractions with great enthusiasm - ordering, decimals, tenths and hundredths, equivalence, adding and subtracting.  Next week we shall be looking at written methods for both multiplication and division, this will follow the School's policy of introducing the children to the grid method, before both the expanded column and short methods.

In Literacy our emphasis this week has been looking at how authors have used ellipses, short sentences, powerful verbs, dialogue and similes when writing in the mystery and suspense genre.  To continue this next week we shall be looking at action within these stories and particularly how it helps to build up the story.  The children will be asked to write a 'warm' piece of writing (independent of adult support) to showcase their progression of learning over the last three weeks.

The children have been asked to discuss ideas for their stories with an adult at home in time for their writing of  their story plan on Wednesday.

This week, as part of friendship week, we considered what it is to be a friend and how we can unite to support a friend in need.  The children watched a short video and then created colourful ginger bread men to write their individual pledges on.  The ginger bread men represent that we may all be different on the outside, but inside we are just the same.  We continue to have much fun in creating a very short performance in PE entitled Children  in the Blitz, creating solutions in Science (see separate blog) and, of course, our Coding lessons with Mr Wainwright.

Can I just also add a very special well done to all the Year 4s for their great attempts at either knitting or cooking with the Oaks and Acorns this week.  As I write I have misplaced my camera - but look out for the photos soon.  It was another brilliant session with the older and younger generations enjoying themselves, we even managed to persuade our resident knitters - the office ladies, Mrs Smith and Mrs Thompson - to come and join us!  Special praise to Conrad, Thomas and Isobelle for their brilliant efforts.  We hope to have a St George's flag on display very soon.

Mrs Smith

Soluble or Insoluble - Does is dissolve?

Today Class 3 have been looking at dissolving - who can remember what dissolving means?  We also looked at saturation levels for salt and sugar.  I leave it to the children to explain!!

Dissolve means something becomes a solution .[ felicity and jake]

We had 8 diffrente matirils and tested which ones dissolve. emilycook                                                       In litrecy we are seting the scene we are also writing mystery narrative we realy enjoined it. Elliana      In maths we have done desermal points on the white bourd and fractions i realy enjoyed doing it. Callum E

Is sand a soluble or insoluble? 

Investigating how many spoonfuls to saturation

Our different materials

Thursday 13 November 2014

Bug Club Book Reviews / Feedback

Dear Class 3

Please don't forget to let me know how you are getting on with the Bug Club reading books!  It will be great to hear from you.

Mrs Smith

Is it reversible or irreversible?

Today in Science we have been learning about changes of state. We used chocolate, egg, cheese, b utter, plasticine, wax.  We have been testing out wether they would melt or not.  And turn into liquid.  Then you leave it for a while in the cup it will turn back into the same solid.  This is called a reversible chnage.  Juliette.

Well I thought the science lesson was quite fun and some of it was quite hard cos we had to keep the cus in the water properly so it would melt. In our groups we did experements to find out if they would melt nd then whether it was reversible or irreversible (it means doesn't turnback into what it started).



Making prediction

What fraction of eggs has disappeared?

Wax after it is heated

Friday 7 November 2014

By Saxen, Emily Cook

In Maths we have lernt about money,problem solving and dessemall points. This is place value. (Emily Cook).  Decimal points are part of a whole number.(Eva J)There are fractions after the decimal point like tenths and hundreths.(kirsty)

In literacy we are lerning to write and follow instructions.  T oday we followed instructions to make poppies.  pleas see the photo of our display. Saxen

Next week we shall be continuing place value and subtraction as well as thinking things through in Maths.  Literacy will be looking at narrative, and in particular  Mystery and Suspense.  We shall continue to understand suffixes (who can remember what suffix we use if a root word ends in either 't' or 'te' and what about root words that end in a 'd' or 'se' - have you worked that one out yet, Year 4s?!).

Our main theme for the next two weeks will concentrate on World War I and II.

Mrs Smith

Thursday 6 November 2014

what we have learnt this week : 6th november 2014

By Lily, Matilda, Jessica and Phoebe,

This week we have been learning about instructions we have been doing instructions on how to make a jam and peanut butter sandwich.We also wrote instructions on catapults.I enjoyed writing them.  Jessica

We designed roman shields and painted them as well.  Mrs Sibley stapled some of the sheilds on the display. I learnt you need to design a pattern symmetrically.   Lily

This week in maths we have been learning place value and we have been taking away using numicon.  I loved using the numicon.  Phoebe

I'm writing about science and we are testing to see if different materials are waterproof, flexible and strong. I found out that iron is not flexible and very strong.  Matilda

We finished painting our fossils 

Testing flexibility and strength

Is it waterproof?

Recording our results


Tuesday 4 November 2014

Help !! On the hunt for cardboard ...

Dear Parents

This week we have been evaluating Roman shields and have begun to create our own designs.  I would like the children to be able to begin to make their own shields next week.  The shields will be made from cardboard.

I have collected some cardboard boxes (Costa coffee over the half term has been very helpful!), however I haven't collected enough for all the children.  If you can source your child a quite thick flattened cardboard box I would be extremely grateful. Please ensure that you write your child's name on their cardboard.

If you have any difficulty with this request please do not hesitate to let me know.

Mrs Smith

Bug Club and all things Homework!

Dear Parents

I have allocated seven books to your child on Bug Club.  These are a selection of both fiction and non-fiction titles.  The books have been allocated as homework for the complete half term, please do not panic!  As Bug Club is a new initiative I would be grateful to receive your feedback - how do your children find the books (are they pitched appropriately?), do they enjoy the interactive experience? (there are little yellow bugs for the children to press throughout the texts with key questions).  I would be grateful to receive your comments here on Class 3's blog.  Please also encourage your children to write feedback and book reviews here on the blog too.

Active Learn maths homework has also been allocated, but this is just one game for this week.

The children have been given their homework books today.  You will find that they have been asked to research 'Children in the Blitz'.  This research can be completed using a variety of sources.  I have asked the children to present their findings in a presentation which should be no larger than an A4 sheet of paper.  However I am happy for the children to use ICT and can complete their homework using Word or Powerpoint, or alternatively they can present their own handwritten 'poster' style completed in their homework books.  This homework is not due until the Friday, 14th November when the children will be asked to present their findings to the class.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me directly if your child is finding difficulty with any of the homework tasks (or comments can be left here on the Blog).

With appreciation for your continued support.

Mrs Smith