Thursday 20 November 2014

Homework: 21st November 2014

Dear Children

Well done to those that remembered I had asked you to write a short descriptive paragraph to accompany the image stuck in your Homework books.  Apologies to those who couldn't remember, and couldn't find out from the Blog what to do.  You now have until Friday, 28th November to complete this task.

1. As we have been working on punctuation in speech I have copied a simple paragraph which  you will has at least no speech punctuation, some of you need to be careful as there may be other punctuation missing.  Your task is simply to show me where the correct punctuation should be.

2. As you know, you will be writing your own mystery and suspense story this week.  This is your chance to shine!  However, some preparation will be good - please therefore talk through a story plan with your parents or other adult and be prepared to write your story mountain on Wednesday.  Remember there is the Mystery of the Poisoned Pudding on Bug Club, or you can ask your parents to register on to access a copy of the text we have been reading in class entitled "Haunters".

3.I have allocated you all at least one new game on Active Learn for your maths homework.

Enjoy!  I can't wait to be reading your stories this time next week.

Off to Costa Coffee to buy a solution (Year 3s, you will understand!).  What might it be, what would be the soluble?

Mrs Smith

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