Thursday 29 January 2015

Eggs and Clarinet !!

Dear Everyone

The Class have been busy progressing their learning with fractions.  Well done to the year 3 and 4 girls (and Daniel) who today learnt that fractions have an equivalent decimal.  Exciting times were had when in Literacy the class estimated how many different scenes in an Angry Birds video they could count.  This helped the children recognise when a playscript needs different scenes and how they should be written.  We also had an unexpected visitor in the classroom and Mrs Smith has been teaching the children how to 'create' a wash in preparation for our Diana Adams inspired artwork.  Diana Adams is know for her contemporary landscapes.

Next week we shall again focus on Fractions - watch out the children have asked for Fraction homework - and continue our playscript by turning a traditional Maori tale into a playscript.  In Science Year 3s have set up an investigation today to find out which liquid has the most effect on eggshell.  We will excitingly be finding out next week and recording our results. A Dental Nurse will be visiting KS2 next week and the children will learn how to correctly brush their teeth, Today the children will be bringing home a letter for your consent to allow your child to participate in a plague disclosing activity.

Finally, a sincere apology for the confusion with the Clarinet lessons.   Due to unforeseen circumstances Mr Clarke is unable to attend school on a Thursday.  Therefore all future lessons will take place on a Wednesday afternoon.  Therefore all clarinets need to be in school on a Wednesday.

Joshua H would like to tell you what we did in Science:

In science we have been leaning about teeth. we have investigated to see if water and coca cola and toothpaste and viniger or oring juice efect the eggshell.  We are leaving them for a week.  I think the
vinegar will effect the eggshell the most.  I can't wait to see what happens.

Here are some pictures

Preparing to wash !!

Fraction experts and more wanted for homework!!

Add caption

Our unexpected visitor !!


Wednesday 28 January 2015


David Walliams is running a competition. The winner will get a visit to their school from David himself. In 50 words or less leave a comment below explaining why David Walliams should come to visit us here at Fordham and we will submit some of the best entries!

Monday 26 January 2015

How many incisors, molars and canines have you?

Dear All

Firstly, many apologies to all for the lateness of this update.  Technology got the better of me but with Mr Wainwright's expertise I am back up and running!  This means that at long last I have got rid of the Bug Club gremlins and all the children have been assigned new books on Bug Club.  Also Maths homework has been assigned on Active Learn.  Whilst on that subject can I just say that I am very impressed with the quality of homework I am seeing this term.  The research carried out by the children will be invaluable for their class work over the coming weeks.

The last week, as always, was jammed packed! Class 3 are all enjoying their PE lessons given by our external coaches Paul (Squash) and Sam (Colchester United).  In just a short time I have witnessed the progression in their skills which has been amazing.

Year 3s investigated their teeth.  They discovered they had incisors, molars and canines and identified how many milk and adult teeth they had.  The children used this data and made a bar chart which will be used in thinking things through in Maths later in the half term.  In addition they made their teeth in plasticine!

The children completed their work on Science Fiction in Literacy with some fantastic stories.  This week they will move on to writing playscripts.  In Maths the children revisited time and compared analogue and digital times. This week the children will return to fractions in maths and in particular working on their understanding of equivalent fractions.

In science Year 3s will be setting up an investigation to discover which liquids cause the least damage to eggshells when we consider how to keep our teeth healthy.

We carry on investigating New Zealand, and in particular Rotorua, working towards a 'pitch' in their house teams to a real-life panel of travel agents.  House Captains have been appointed and the teams will be agreeing their own names this week, as well as considering environmental issues surrounding Rotorua and designing a team product to take on a trip to NZ.

I leave you with some photos to enjoy!

Mrs Smith

Enjoying learning new skills in squash lessons

Checking what's in our mouths!!

Emily's teeth!!

Making sure they are perfect - the concentration!

Thursday 15 January 2015

Year 3 Science - 15th January 2015

Year 3s gathered together today to recap on their learning last week of the Digestive System.  We began the lesson with an interesting video where the children choose food samples and watched them travel through the system.  Along the way they picked up some very clever scientific vocabulary - colon, duodenum, rectum and anus.

We then worked in groups to place vital organs in the correct place on the body - photos of which are below.  

Finally the children completed a diagram of the digestive system with correct vocabulary and moved on to write some facts about each part of the digestive system.

I am incredibly impressed with the learning that has taken place in Science over the last two weeks - I can't imagine what is causing such great enthusiasm.   Surely it can't be down to all that poo?!

Mrs Smith

Homework / PE / Clarinets

The children have all been given homework and active learn maths assignments for this week.   Homework is due in on Monday.   By the end of the week the  children will have been given 5 new books to read on Bug Club.

Can I just say that our Tuesday Football sessions will be outside whenever possible during the Spring Term.  As it was quite cold this week the Coach has confirmed that the children can wear beany-type hats and suitable warm gloves on those particularly colder days.  You may wish to provide your children with some tracksuit bottoms if they have not already got them in their PE bags.  Please clearly name any items of clothing.

All Year 3 parents will have received a letter about our clarinet lessons.  These take place on Thursdays.  Please ensure that if you have signed the letter giving permission for your child to bring the clarinet home, that it is returned on a Thursday for the lesson in the afternoon.

Mrs Smith

Weekly Round Up !!


Last week we made poo and learnt about the digestive system.  We took some banana and biscuits and crushed them up with are hands pretending to be teeth.   Then we got a plastic bag and it was the Oeophagus.  Then we got some tights and squeezed the banana and biscuits through like out intestines.  Finally it came out as poo.holly and emily cook

Thursday 8 January 2015

Year 4 Science

Year 4 had an introduction to the digestive system and had to investigate where the different organs are located. 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

A massive welcome back to one and all !

It's 2015 ....

Well a fantastic start to the Spring term got underway today, the children were amazing -  all so grown up and smart.

We began the week by writing a Science Fiction story which the children will be able to use to assess themselves by the end of 3 weeks when they write another incorporating all their learning.  We revised our Place Value knowledge and this will continue for the rest of the week.  Our Year 4s looked at mental strategies to help them add and subtract especially using their skills of rounding and estimating.  Our science this half term will look at the digestive system - get ready for squeals of excitement as we investigate making our own 'poo'!!

Mr Wainwright lead today's assembly.  The children were informed of our new House Points - a reward system whereby the successful winners will be the House that earns the most points over a half term, with a treat in store at the end of it!  Each week the children will be told which House is in the lead in Gold Book assembly.