Thursday 15 January 2015

Homework / PE / Clarinets

The children have all been given homework and active learn maths assignments for this week.   Homework is due in on Monday.   By the end of the week the  children will have been given 5 new books to read on Bug Club.

Can I just say that our Tuesday Football sessions will be outside whenever possible during the Spring Term.  As it was quite cold this week the Coach has confirmed that the children can wear beany-type hats and suitable warm gloves on those particularly colder days.  You may wish to provide your children with some tracksuit bottoms if they have not already got them in their PE bags.  Please clearly name any items of clothing.

All Year 3 parents will have received a letter about our clarinet lessons.  These take place on Thursdays.  Please ensure that if you have signed the letter giving permission for your child to bring the clarinet home, that it is returned on a Thursday for the lesson in the afternoon.

Mrs Smith

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