Monday 26 January 2015

How many incisors, molars and canines have you?

Dear All

Firstly, many apologies to all for the lateness of this update.  Technology got the better of me but with Mr Wainwright's expertise I am back up and running!  This means that at long last I have got rid of the Bug Club gremlins and all the children have been assigned new books on Bug Club.  Also Maths homework has been assigned on Active Learn.  Whilst on that subject can I just say that I am very impressed with the quality of homework I am seeing this term.  The research carried out by the children will be invaluable for their class work over the coming weeks.

The last week, as always, was jammed packed! Class 3 are all enjoying their PE lessons given by our external coaches Paul (Squash) and Sam (Colchester United).  In just a short time I have witnessed the progression in their skills which has been amazing.

Year 3s investigated their teeth.  They discovered they had incisors, molars and canines and identified how many milk and adult teeth they had.  The children used this data and made a bar chart which will be used in thinking things through in Maths later in the half term.  In addition they made their teeth in plasticine!

The children completed their work on Science Fiction in Literacy with some fantastic stories.  This week they will move on to writing playscripts.  In Maths the children revisited time and compared analogue and digital times. This week the children will return to fractions in maths and in particular working on their understanding of equivalent fractions.

In science Year 3s will be setting up an investigation to discover which liquids cause the least damage to eggshells when we consider how to keep our teeth healthy.

We carry on investigating New Zealand, and in particular Rotorua, working towards a 'pitch' in their house teams to a real-life panel of travel agents.  House Captains have been appointed and the teams will be agreeing their own names this week, as well as considering environmental issues surrounding Rotorua and designing a team product to take on a trip to NZ.

I leave you with some photos to enjoy!

Mrs Smith

Enjoying learning new skills in squash lessons

Checking what's in our mouths!!

Emily's teeth!!

Making sure they are perfect - the concentration!


  1. Dear Mr David Walliams
    Please come to our school, I love your books and my Mummy and Daddy think you are really really funny. I liked it when you went on TV and swan in the sea with sewage in it, I think you are super brave.

    Please come to our school, everyone will love it.


  2. Mis Smith on bug club I cant read any book at all please help me. Ec

  3. Ok Emily we'll have a look together at School ��
    Mrs Smith

  4. I loved the squash lessons I wish we could do some more!
    Emily Cook
