Thursday 29 January 2015

Eggs and Clarinet !!

Dear Everyone

The Class have been busy progressing their learning with fractions.  Well done to the year 3 and 4 girls (and Daniel) who today learnt that fractions have an equivalent decimal.  Exciting times were had when in Literacy the class estimated how many different scenes in an Angry Birds video they could count.  This helped the children recognise when a playscript needs different scenes and how they should be written.  We also had an unexpected visitor in the classroom and Mrs Smith has been teaching the children how to 'create' a wash in preparation for our Diana Adams inspired artwork.  Diana Adams is know for her contemporary landscapes.

Next week we shall again focus on Fractions - watch out the children have asked for Fraction homework - and continue our playscript by turning a traditional Maori tale into a playscript.  In Science Year 3s have set up an investigation today to find out which liquid has the most effect on eggshell.  We will excitingly be finding out next week and recording our results. A Dental Nurse will be visiting KS2 next week and the children will learn how to correctly brush their teeth, Today the children will be bringing home a letter for your consent to allow your child to participate in a plague disclosing activity.

Finally, a sincere apology for the confusion with the Clarinet lessons.   Due to unforeseen circumstances Mr Clarke is unable to attend school on a Thursday.  Therefore all future lessons will take place on a Wednesday afternoon.  Therefore all clarinets need to be in school on a Wednesday.

Joshua H would like to tell you what we did in Science:

In science we have been leaning about teeth. we have investigated to see if water and coca cola and toothpaste and viniger or oring juice efect the eggshell.  We are leaving them for a week.  I think the
vinegar will effect the eggshell the most.  I can't wait to see what happens.

Here are some pictures

Preparing to wash !!

Fraction experts and more wanted for homework!!

Add caption

Our unexpected visitor !!



  1. This morning I read two books on bug club and I really enjoyed them. Jessica

  2. I enjoy fractions especialy quarters halfs and thirds
    by elliana
