Thursday 17 September 2015

Mud, mud, glorious mud (well clay actually!!)

First of all many thanks for the comments left by family members of Class 3. Yes, each comment will receive a house point Mrs Squire (but I'm not sure if one comment per letter of the Greek alphabet wouldn't have been pushing it a tad!).  

Jack B - I'm glad that you are enjoying Class 3 so much already, I can see that you are really trying your hardest.  It is quite an adjustment and I am so proud of all my Year 2s who are coping with high expectations.

So, this week has been really quiet with the Years 5 and 6 being away at Hilltop. But not to be outdone, Class 3 have had much fun too.  Firstly, we have designed our own mythical beast in English, and linking to art, have created some wonderful drawings.  We also took this idea into PE where the children had to move as their mythical beast over, through and around equipment.  

In Maths we continued on our road of number and looking at number patterns to end the week learning about 'digital roots' through our thinking things through activities.  I was genuinely impressed with so many independent thinkers!  Well done everyone.

Year 3 looked at friction in science this week and learnt to record findings accurately from their investigation into which surface provides more/less friction.  Some even moved on to work out the mean average by applying their mathematical knowledge. 

To end the week we have been busy making our Greek clay pots - I think as 'designers' the children will have alot to evaluate about their design and our choice of medium with which to make them.  

Please could I ask for a donation of an old shirt for your child?  My supply of 'shirt aprons' has really seen better days so if you have any spare I would be very grateful.

I hope everyone understood (and have seen) the home learning task? Please remember this does not need to back in School until Monday, 28th September 2015. Do not hesitate to pop in and see me (preferably after school) if you have any problems with this, or any other matter.

Here's hoping that the sun stays with us for the weekend.

Mrs S

Sometimes fingers still count!

Thinking things through

I can see clearly now with Numicon 

Practical thinking things through 

Accurately measuring

Does the surface make a difference to the distance travelled?

Working as teams 

Huge excitement to use the equipment 
Slivering like the mythical beast 

How will yours move?


Now that's just showing off!!

Moving like the beast 



  1. I have really enjoyed making my clay pot and going on the apparatus in PE. I enjoyed doing my mythical creature called Helen.

    1. and what a wonderful job you have done Evie-May !! Mrs S

  2. My goodness class 3!!!!!! Team work makes the dream work! Look at you guys. Clay, PE, muthical Greek creatures, Science. When did you get a chance to pop to the toilet. I'm glad I'm laying in bed typing this, because I'm worn out simply thinking of your efforts. Keep up the fabtastic efforts and enthusiasm troopers.

    1. Mrs Squire your daughter made an amazing pot yesterday - where does her creative talent come from? Yourself or Mr Squire?!

      Mrs S

    2. That's a very good question, one of which I wasn't sure I could fairly answer , so I posed it to "Grace Face" and in her own words she told me her talent comes from "God", so for sure much more talent then Mr Squire and I could offer her in comparison.

    3. What a lovely reply from Grace.

      Mrs S

  3. Mrs Smith and Team. Lucy is getting stuck into the homework project. Some of it might not be factually correct but hopefully will make you smile. You'll see what we mean on the 28th!!

    1. Lucy's work always makes me smile! Can't wait to see it and glad to hear that you are all enjoying the home learning!

      Mrs S

  4. What a fantastic week you have all had Class 3! Love the pictures. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday...

  5. What a fantastic week you have all had Class 3! Love the pictures. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday...

  6. What a fantastic week you have all had Class 3! Love the pictures. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday...
