Friday 11 September 2015

Welcome to Class 3 !!

What a fantastic start to the academic year Class 3 have had.  We welcomed Joshua Cheong to our fold and it feels as if he has been with us forever  - well done Joshua for settling in so brilliantly.

Our theme is 'Ancient Greeks' and we have begun to read Greek Myths starting with Pandora's Box. The children designed their own box and accompanying evils in our literacy lessons - some of the children were very imaginative about what (or who) they would put in the box!   The children have begun to think about good over evil and of course Pandora's Box links to our value 'Hope'.

In Maths this week we have refreshed our basic number knowledge with number bonds and using them to help add and subtract quickly in our heads.

Having located Greece in an Atlas the children discussed what they would like to know about Greece and have placed Ancient Greece on their own timelines (which also included their own and the Queen's birthday together with Ancient Romans).  In science we have begun to look at forces.

This half term our PE will be Tag Rugby (with Colchester United) and Gymnastics. Tag Rugby will be on Tuesday afternoons and Gymnastics will be last thing on a Thursday.   I have already found some unnamed PE kit so please may I ask that you do name all items in the PE bag. 

The children have all been allocated their Active Learn maths games and Bug Club reading books - please let me know if there are any problems with these.  Thank you to those children who have completed their first home learning task - to decorate their books.  Please can I ask that these are all in on Monday in order that we are in a position to hand out the first home learning task on Tuesday.  

Enjoying Tag Rug - welcome aboard Joshua!  

Is it a push or a pull? - fun learning about forces

Not quite Where's Wally but where's Greece?

Oh and by the way - I must mention that every family comment received on our Class 3 blog will be rewarded with a house point for the children concerned.  So even mums, dads, grandparents can get competitive with house points

Have a great weekend

Mrs Smith 


  1. in line with your learning of Ancient Greece, I thought I'd share the Greek alphabet with you, each letter on its own individual comment post to maximise house points, or have I misunderstood the rules?!

  2. Great to know the class is settling in Mrs Smith. Welcome Joshua. This is a great class of kids as I am sure you already know. Archer's Mum

  3. It sounds as though Class 3 have all settled back into the school routine very well and they have some exciting learning to look forward to this term. Looking forward to finding out all about Ancient Greece! Welcome to Joshua too, glad everyone has made him feel so welcome. Elise's mum

  4. Jonty has been looking forward to coming up to class three all summer and judging by his daily descriptions of what's happened, it's living up to his high expectations!! Jonty's mum

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  7. Well done Evie-May on you first week at school in Class 3. You look like you have had a lot of fun. Well done as well for looking after Isobel who has just started at Forham School. I think she had a lovely first week too love Grandma and Pop X

  8. Well done Evie-May on you first week at school in Class 3. You look like you have had a lot of fun. Well done as well for looking after Isobel who has just started at Forham School. I think she had a lovely first week too love Grandma and Pop X

  9. Lovely to hear about all the interesting activities Class 3 have been up to. Keep up the good work! And welcome to Fordham school Joshua and family. Jude's mum.

  10. I am really enjoying class 3, especially maths, literacy and science. Its so much fun.
    Joshua - i hope you have a fantastic time in class 3.
    Jack B xxxx

  11. Natalie is enjoying learning about Greek myths and was telling me about Pandora's box and it's contents today. Such a magical story. Natalie's Mum.

  12. Rebecca (Evie-May's Mum)17 September 2015 at 18:14

    What a great topic to learn about class 3. I am sure you will really enjoying finding out about greek myths. Welcome to Fordham Joshua.
