Saturday 3 October 2015

All potted out!!

So the children have quite exhausted me with their enthusiasm for learning this week.  They challenged themselves so well in English, learning not just similes but metaphors too!!  We have had a lovely week becoming poets with the children finally planning their own poem to write on Monday next week.  Following this 'warm' piece of writing on Monday, we shall then spend the rest of next week looking at Instructions (something about turning a teacher into a toad, erm!!).

Fab work continued in Maths looking at written methods for addition (please have a look at the School's calculation policy to see the progression through the years.  This may help to help your child at home).  I have decided that we will 'hold' multiplication (as mentioned last week) and it seem only natural to move onto written methods for subtraction.

In science, Year 3 continued their investigations into magnets and magnetic fields.  We shall be culminating our learning by designing a new toy using magnets.  Can I just ask has any family toys at home that use magnets (like those old fishing games) and if you have, could class 3 borrow them on Thursday to help our investigation.  I shall promise no harm will come to any games/toys lent to us for the afternoon.

We evaluated our clay pots and the children learnt the importance of being able to say what was good and what could be improved next time.  They even learnt to give 'positive' feedback to others.  Well done everyone.

I have begun to receive some rather grand donations of gentlemen's shirts - a big thank you.  Although some look rather too 'new' to use - I hope that there have been no more incidents of stolen shirts from Dad's wardrobe!! 

Please remember that it is Harvest Festival in the Church on Monday at 2.30pm. Should you wish to donate any items we would be very grateful. I look forward to see you there.  

Mrs S

Class 3 goes potty !

Gardening Club beans served on Roast Day at school

Our partners in crime - Wednesday's paired reading with Class 5

Magnetic powers

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Finding out where the filings attract the most

Investigating about the poles


  1. What proud faces! I can't wait to see your own magnet toys in a few weeks.

  2. Rebecca (Evie-May's Mum)4 October 2015 at 21:25

    Wow fantastic pottery work. Your creations look amazing. You all look so pleased with your work and you have every right to be. Well done. We will look through our games to see if we have any magnetic ones. I am looking forward to the harvest festival. I hope the shirts that have been donated by Evie-May's uncle will be useful. I hope you have a great week class 3.

  3. Fabdozy pots class 3. May I say how utterly entertained I was by your singing and dancing at the harvest festival service. Class 3 you rocked that church with your samba wiggles. I'd imagine there's a whole lot of angels and God who are smiling and laughing at your worship!

  4. WoW! lovely pots guys! x

  5. Fabulous pots Class 3!! Nice to see the fruits of Gardening Club's labour on your dinner plates. Well done! You should all be proud of yourselves.
    Natalie's Mummy.

  6. Kelly Dacres (Esmés mum)14 October 2015 at 10:33

    Wow!! The pots look really beautiful guys, and very Greek. I hope you get to bring yours home Esmé, it will look fab in the lounge! God job everyone!

  7. Me to I loved making clay pots also I love class 3 its so funny and cool.

  8. I loved going on the ipads and I love every subject there is at school and class 3 is awesome.But I will miss Mrs Smith when she leaves I hope will have a great time before Mrs Smith leaves.Charlotte
