Friday 24 June 2016

Class 3 Vote on the EU Referendum

Yesterday we discussed the EU Referendum (at Year 2 /3 level) and had mini debates related to some of the reasons.  The final vote result was:  63% Remain and 37% Leave.   The children showed great respect for other people's opinions and views.

I was also so impressed with the maturity and understanding of the children from both year groups and the knowledge they already had.
On another note, I want to add how proud I was of the class for their maths today as they completed a 'calculation challenge' recalling all of the methods we have been learning over the year.  There were many children who showed superb progress.  Congratulations also to Joshua for his amazing fielding in rounders earlier in the week.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday 19 June 2016

What a week!

I think we can all agree that Sports Day was a huge success- we were so lucky with the weather! Thank you for all who came to support Class 3- I was very proud of their determination and sportsmanship.

This week we have been promoting the importance of having a 'Growth Mindset'. Miss Vidler has helped us to understand just what this means a little better- she's even started a Growth Mindset blog (please check it out!). In Class 3 we all decided upon a skill or challenge as individuals that we would like to accomplish by the end of the week. Ashton was determined to learn how to tie his laces, Amalea worked so hard to learn the 'Cup Song' and Charlotte and Sophie worked tirelessly to improve their clapping song skills! In class, we all learned how to either make a paper aeroplane or a 'fortune teller'- I'm really sorry if your house is currently filled with bits of paper... I know that the classroom is! Special recognition should go to the Year 2 children for their resilience right from the start. They never doubted that they could achieve the challenge- even if it was tricky.

Murray & Louie persevering with the challenge!

Charlotte was super proud of her progress!

Maya took on the challenge independently!

Alongside our Growth Mindset work, we have been writing stories based upon Charlie & The Chocolate Factory in English and interpreting and presenting data in Maths. In Science, the Year 3 children made fossils. They look absolutely awesome! I didn't have a chance to take photos of them yesterday but feel free to come in and have a look at them before the children take them home.

Finally... the Year 2 children attended the Infant Music Festival on Monday morning and I've heard that they were absolutely fantastic! Well done all of you- you should be very proud!

Looking forward to more fun filled days!

Hope you've had a lovely weekend,

Mrs Ward :)

Thursday 16 June 2016

The Pyramid Cups Growth Mindset Challenge

Today Class 3 were set the golden challenge of stacking 6 cups to make a pyramid.  Easy, I hear you say but wait...

The children had to use scissors, string and an elastic band and use all the equipment to stack the cups without using their hands.  We had a wide variety of creative ideas with the scissors being used as a pincer and the string to pull the cups around.  Some groups made handles using the elastic band and string too. 

Through resilience, perseverance, creativity, co-operation and independent thinking the children all tackled the challenge with some finally cracking the special tool that you can make... I'm giving nothing away as some of the children want to challenge your growth mindsets at home.

Mr. Wainwright

Friday 10 June 2016

Celebrating The Queen's 90th Birthday!

We have all had a great day making and wearing our crowns while we celebrate the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II.  We learnt about her life and created an impressive factfile.  We then chose a portrait from her life to re-create in either pastels or water colours. 
The children all wrote about what they think life will be like when they are 90.  We had floating cars, changing colour clothing and flying houses.  Let's see what ones will come true in 2099!!

We also wrote some very thoughtful prayers to be read in Church on Sunday.  The children thought about her safety when travelling all over the world, for her to enjoy time with her corgis and great grandchildren and for her to be kind to David Cameron!

Well done everyone for some wonderful learning; we will be sending a big parcel off to Buckingham Palace so Her Majesty can see all our splendid learning.
Don't forget to check out the new gallery on the website for some more photos from our street party lunch.

Mr. Wainwright