Friday 24 June 2016

Class 3 Vote on the EU Referendum

Yesterday we discussed the EU Referendum (at Year 2 /3 level) and had mini debates related to some of the reasons.  The final vote result was:  63% Remain and 37% Leave.   The children showed great respect for other people's opinions and views.

I was also so impressed with the maturity and understanding of the children from both year groups and the knowledge they already had.
On another note, I want to add how proud I was of the class for their maths today as they completed a 'calculation challenge' recalling all of the methods we have been learning over the year.  There were many children who showed superb progress.  Congratulations also to Joshua for his amazing fielding in rounders earlier in the week.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I am really impressed that this was done with the children. It is really important for the children to learn about their right to vote. Well done Fordham All Saints!

    Kelly, Esme's mum
