Thursday 16 June 2016

The Pyramid Cups Growth Mindset Challenge

Today Class 3 were set the golden challenge of stacking 6 cups to make a pyramid.  Easy, I hear you say but wait...

The children had to use scissors, string and an elastic band and use all the equipment to stack the cups without using their hands.  We had a wide variety of creative ideas with the scissors being used as a pincer and the string to pull the cups around.  Some groups made handles using the elastic band and string too. 

Through resilience, perseverance, creativity, co-operation and independent thinking the children all tackled the challenge with some finally cracking the special tool that you can make... I'm giving nothing away as some of the children want to challenge your growth mindsets at home.

Mr. Wainwright


  1. Wow! Looks like you're all far cleverer than me! Can't wait for Natalie to show me how it's done!!
    Carol Palmer

  2. What a great challenge. We'd like to have a go at this. Grace has checked out all your pictures and has decided you're all doing a fab job.

    Grace wishes she was there yesterday and would have loved a go.

  3. I really enjoyed this challenge because it was tricky and I also thought growth min set week was a great success.

