Friday 9 September 2016

Welcome to Class 3!

Welcome to Class 3 and what a great first week back we have had! It has been lovely to see everyone come back after the holidays smiling and ready to learn!  We have had a very busy week already, here are some of the things we have been up to.  

Our theme this term is Crime and Punishment!  

In maths this week we have been detectives trying to solve problems.  To help us with reading numbers in digits and words we had to match bags of evidence.  

We looked at our fingerprints and talked about how they are all totally unique to every person.  We enjoyed using our fingerprints to create some art! 

We have also managed to fit in lots of wonderful writing this week!  We have written description of different robbers form the book 'Cops and Robbers' and written eyewitness reports about a very strange creature we saw on the loose!  

I really have been so impressed with how hard everybody has worked this week.  This was a very hard decision this week but we do have our very first 'Wonderful Writers' for Class 3 so a special Well done must go to: Fraser, Nina, Chantel, Lily-Mae, Jude, Aiden and Elise.  

WELL DONE again class 3 for making our first week together so enjoyable, you have been brilliant!!  I look forward to seeing you on Monday all ready and raring to go for another week ahead.  We are going to be thinking about how we can catch that strange creature....perhaps you could have a think over the weekend?!

Maths homework and spellings will come start coming home next week.  

Have a lovely weekend all, 

Mrs McMillan 


  1. Well done everyone! You must all be exhausted after such a busy week of solving crimes. Good luck finding out who the strange creature is! Kathryn

    1. Yes, indeed, I think the weekend was definitely needed to recharge the batteries for next week!

  2. What a great first week back!
    Looking forward to finding out more information about that strange creature we've been hearing about...
    Mrs A

  3. Sounds like a great first week back with loads packed in. Crime and Punishment looks to be a very interesting new theme. Well done everyone!
    Jude's mum
