Friday 4 November 2016

Welcome back to the Victorian Times!

We have all enjoyed the start to our new topic this half term.  Although we are still looking at crime and punishment, we are focusing on the Victorian Period of history.  Can you recognise some of these Victorian children? 

Our English learning throughout this half term will focus around the story of Oliver Twist.  Even though we all agreed that the workhouse didn't sound a particularly nice place to live for children in Victorian times, we had fun acting as Oliver asking for more which helped us write in role as a character. 

Our classroom has been taken over and brightened up by some beautiful, colourful dragons this week.  The creative homework has been excellent.  I particularly love seeing how different and unique every piece is so well done Class 3 and thank you for support given at home too.  

In Science this week, Year 3 have started their new topic about light.  We started by thinking about light sources and using these to help us see in very dark places.  Great fun was had by building dens to create dark spaces in the class and in the dark tent too.  

New spellings have been given out for this half term.  I would like to both say 'Well done' to the children and 'Thank you' for support given at home with spellings.  Last half term I saw great progress in children's spellings and seeing them now using and spelling these words correctly in their writing is happening which is the main aim! 

Wishing you all a happy and safe firework weekend. 

Mrs McMillan 

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