Monday 28 November 2016

PE and keeping healthy

On Monday afternoons, we have been having squash lessons with our squash coach, Paul.  Children have been developing skills in agility and coordination as well as starting to learn some competitive skill for playing a game of squash.  On Wednesday afternoons, children have PE with Mr Askew.  Mr Askew is helping develop children's fitness and enjoyment for PE as well as teaching them new team games to enjoy.  Here they are in action.  

In Science, Year 3 enjoyed exploring how shadows are formed.  We did this by creating and performing our own puppet theatre shows.  By the end, children could explain how shadows are formed as well as knew how shadows could be made bigger or smaller.  

Watch this space for our Wonderful Writers this week as we write our warm piece of writing today, a recount about a day in a Victorian Workhouse.  

Mrs McMillan

Saturday 19 November 2016

Friendship Week

What a lovely week it has been in school for Friendship Week.  The children enjoyed lots of different activities at playtimes thanks to our school Friendship Ambassadors including friendship bracelet making, a disco and sharing books about friendship with younger children around school. 

In class, we used the friendship between Artful Dodger and Oliver to write about our friends.  They were so touching and wrote such lovely words to their friends about why they 'Consider them their mate!'  We were also inspired by 'Food Glorious Food' to write recipes, but not for food but to tell us what makes a good friend.  I know many people enjoyed seeing this work from Friendship work during our exhibition on Thursday.  It was lovely to see the children proud to share their work around the classroom with family and friends.  And finally, in PE, we used the theme of friendship and relying on each other to develop sequences of different balances with our friends. 

Creative home learning was given to children on Friday.  For those who may have already lost their paper in the depths of their school bags, it was to look at some of the famous inventions that were invented during the Victorian times.  Then for them to think about 'If you were an inventor - what would you make?'  They can show or tell me about their invention and I am sure there are going to be some very imaginative inventions indeed! They have until the week of the 5th of December.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs McMillan

Friday 11 November 2016

What a great week it has been!

We have been tackling some tricky aspects of grammar this week in our English sessions and learning about types of sentences including exclamatory sentences!   Year 2 started by asking questions and writing statements about different objects.

We then read more of our Oliver Twist story and met the Artful Dodger and Fagin.  We wrote statements, questions and exclamatory sentences about them.  I was very impressed with how children incorporated these different sentence types into their sentences.   As always, their has been some incredible writing going on this week and I am so proud of everybody but a special 'Well Done' must go to our Wonderful Writers this week: Murray, Maddy, Harrison, Joe, Charlotte, Archer and Harry. 

On Monday, we were treated to a musical assembly with Mr Clark where we enjoyed listening to a range of brass and woodwind instruments.  I was so proud of the children who played their instrument in front of the whole school, three of those being in children in Class 3 so well done to Nina, Maddy and Amelie.  This is not easy and I know how much courage it takes so really well done to you all.

Finally, in maths we have been counting our pennies and making sure we can add up our money.  They were VERY good so you had better watch out at home!  

Have a lovely weekend and see you next week for Friendship Week. 

Mrs McMillan

Friday 4 November 2016

Welcome back to the Victorian Times!

We have all enjoyed the start to our new topic this half term.  Although we are still looking at crime and punishment, we are focusing on the Victorian Period of history.  Can you recognise some of these Victorian children? 

Our English learning throughout this half term will focus around the story of Oliver Twist.  Even though we all agreed that the workhouse didn't sound a particularly nice place to live for children in Victorian times, we had fun acting as Oliver asking for more which helped us write in role as a character. 

Our classroom has been taken over and brightened up by some beautiful, colourful dragons this week.  The creative homework has been excellent.  I particularly love seeing how different and unique every piece is so well done Class 3 and thank you for support given at home too.  

In Science this week, Year 3 have started their new topic about light.  We started by thinking about light sources and using these to help us see in very dark places.  Great fun was had by building dens to create dark spaces in the class and in the dark tent too.  

New spellings have been given out for this half term.  I would like to both say 'Well done' to the children and 'Thank you' for support given at home with spellings.  Last half term I saw great progress in children's spellings and seeing them now using and spelling these words correctly in their writing is happening which is the main aim! 

Wishing you all a happy and safe firework weekend. 

Mrs McMillan