Friday 11 November 2016

What a great week it has been!

We have been tackling some tricky aspects of grammar this week in our English sessions and learning about types of sentences including exclamatory sentences!   Year 2 started by asking questions and writing statements about different objects.

We then read more of our Oliver Twist story and met the Artful Dodger and Fagin.  We wrote statements, questions and exclamatory sentences about them.  I was very impressed with how children incorporated these different sentence types into their sentences.   As always, their has been some incredible writing going on this week and I am so proud of everybody but a special 'Well Done' must go to our Wonderful Writers this week: Murray, Maddy, Harrison, Joe, Charlotte, Archer and Harry. 

On Monday, we were treated to a musical assembly with Mr Clark where we enjoyed listening to a range of brass and woodwind instruments.  I was so proud of the children who played their instrument in front of the whole school, three of those being in children in Class 3 so well done to Nina, Maddy and Amelie.  This is not easy and I know how much courage it takes so really well done to you all.

Finally, in maths we have been counting our pennies and making sure we can add up our money.  They were VERY good so you had better watch out at home!  

Have a lovely weekend and see you next week for Friendship Week. 

Mrs McMillan

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