Wednesday 24 February 2016

Homework: 24-02-2015

24.02.2016- Home Learning


This half term we will be researching and learning about Brazil’s environmental problems. For your home learning I would like you to find out about ‘deforestation’.

Things you may like to do:

·         Create a persuasive leaflet

·         Create a model showing the deforestation areas of Brazil

·         Create a Power point presentation

·         Create a poster with facts

·         Create a piece of artwork


Your book tasks are as follows:


Y2: Grammar book pgs: 9, 28-29

    Maths book pgs: 32-34

Y3: Grammar book pgs: 26-30

    Maths book pgs: 25-27


Homework is due back on: 07-03-2016 (just before half term)


Have fun! J

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Active Learn updates and Times Tables Quizzes...

Dear Class 3,

I have updated all of your allocations for Active Learn to include some new, exciting books on Bug Club, maths games and spelling and punctuation games too.

Please remember to read the books carefully and answer the 'bug questions' carefully.  You can click off of the comprehension questions to check the text again and then answer to make sure you are answering it correctly.

Next half term we will be continuing with our weekly times tables quiz on a Friday and our arithmetic timed quiz on a Thursday morning.  Keep practising those 3x, 4x and 6x table, depending what group you are in.

I am looking forward to seeing you all next week, I hope you are having a great half term!

Mr. Wainwright

Wednesday 10 February 2016


This week is definitely the week to show off just how brilliant we are!

As I write this I am preparing for Learning Conferences, which I'm really looking forward to, and I know that Mr Wainwright has really sharing all the good news with both Class 3 and your parents today.

I don't know about you guys, but I really enjoyed Art today! We learnt all about Romero Britto and then created some of our own pieces. It's so cool how something so simple can look so brilliant! I promise to put some photos up when they're all finished!

This week in English we have been working up to our warm pieces (tomorrow!) and cramming in all our knowledge of Persuasive Leaflets. Some super reviews and great planning was produced and I'm looking forward to reading your final pieces!

Finally, can I take this opportunity to thank you all for such a wonderful half term. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself but I must say that I am looking forward to a week's break...!
Have a lovely break and I will see you on the 22nd!

Mrs Ward :)

Wednesday 3 February 2016

03.02.2016- Home Learning

Our value this half term is ‘Friendship’ and I would like this to be the theme of your homework.

Things you may like to do:
·         Create a recipe for being a good friend
·         Tell me all about your friends and why they are important
·         Create a slideshow with photos of your friends
·         Create a poster with facts
·         Create a piece of artwork

Your book tasks are as follows:

Y2: Grammar book pgs: 4-5
    Maths book pgs: 10-11
Y3: Grammar book pgs: 8-11
    Maths book pgs: 22-24

Homework is due back on: 12-02-2016 (just before half term)

Have fun!