Thursday 24 March 2016

Minion Maths and Photos from our Island Models

We have been solving a Minion Maths Challenge this morning linked to the Minion alphabet where A=£1, B=£2.... Z=£26
We had to find out what was the most expensive letter in words from one - ten.  Can any parents solve this and explain why it would have the largest total?
The children showed amazing mental maths skills, using near doubles, number bonds and addition in any order to solve.
Some children moved to the Golden Challenge to find words that would total £100.  Can you find anymore? 

The Class 3 team wish you all a wonderful Easter break and thank you for all your support over the Spring term, we are all looking forward to exploring the works of Roald Dahl next term.  Active Learn activities have all been updated with new books and maths games too linked to fractions and time.  You can choose your games and books, I have uploaded a range of books so you can find one suitable to enjoy!

Mr. Wainwright

Brilliant mental maths today Imogen!

Look at the concentration


I think I'll put this here

Jack is proud of his work

+19.... I remember +20 then -1

The famous Minion alphabet

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Green Screens...


I am soooo sorry about the technical issues with the Green Screen's yesterday. I was so embarrassed that it didn't work!

I'm now hoping that it will work on here!


Please watch and enjoy Louie's group... :)


             And now Murray's group... :)  

I think perhaps we will stick to less technical things next time to avoid any more disasters... at least I tried.

Many thanks for your patience,

Mrs Ward

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Science and Homework!

Hi Class 3!

So sorry about the lateness of the blog- I misplaced my USB stick with all the photos on!

Please see below the video of the fantastic cooking session from last week! It looked absolutely delicious. Once again, thank you so much to all the parents that came in to help. We honestly couldn't do these type of things without you all!

Home learning tasks are as follows and due in next Wednesday (23rd March):

As I was so impressed with your World Book Day learning, I thought our home learning could also be based around books. I would like you to tell me about your favourite author!

Things you may like to do:
  • Create an autobiography
  • Create a book review of one of your favourite books
  • Create a Power point presentation
  • Create a poster with facts
  • Create a piece of artwork

Your book tasks are as follows:

Y2: Grammar book pgs: 14-15, 18 
    Maths book pgs: 37-39
Y3: Grammar book pgs: 22-25
    Maths book pgs: 28-33

See you all tomorrow! :)

Saturday 5 March 2016

Food, Glorious Food!!!


Wow- I've just seen Mr Wainwright's post about World Book Day! It looks like you had so much fun!! I have to say that I am quite upset that I missed it- it's my favourite school day of the year! 

Well done to everyone for putting in a top effort- a special bravery award goes to George for his 'Boy in a Dress' costume! Great stuff!! I can't wait to continue the Roald Dahl theme next term- we have some great ideas for you all!

Although I'm not sure how it compares to your day on Thursday, I hope you would agree that we also had a fab few days together! I was really impressed with how well you took to Fractions- you were all up for a challenge and persevered really well. Someone who has really stood out for me recently in Maths is Maya... I've been so proud of her confidence and enthusiasm. Well done! 

Class 3, your writing has also been great this week- with a focus on really cracking that formal and 'serious' tone in our letter writing! I loved reading them all- if I was the president of Brazil then I would definitely think twice about changing the law for deforestation- your writing definitely meant business!!

I think the girls that were cooking on Weds in Science would definitely agree that they had a great time! I couldn't believe the excitement in the air. The starters you made not only looked (and tasted!) delicious but they were also nutritional and you really thought about the 'Eat Well Plate' that we had been learning about in previous weeks. I've included some photos of the cooking for you to enjoy :)

Can't wait for next week... :) 

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Ward

Thursday 3 March 2016

World Book Day and Lego Maths

This week Class 3 have been introduced to fractions and tomorrow we will be looking at fractions in a practical session linked to Lego.  I will add some more photos of this activity soon. 
Today has been World Book Day and the children have been doing activities based on the books of Roald Dahl.

We started by reading the start of George's Marvellous Medicine and then Mr. Wainwright made his own medicine from liquids he had at home  (don't ask!).  We found out that the medicine made Mr. Wainwright go bald. 
Follow the instructions carefully

Get ready to taste it...

What happened?

All of us then designed our own ' Marvellous Medicine'.   These are on display in the wet area of Class 3.  Next we read the chapters about the chewing gum machine from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Our challenge was to design our own three part chewing gum and write about how it worked.  We had fitness gum, healthy gum and 3 meals in a day gum. 
Our final challenge was to make a short picture book for Class 1 about one of our school values.  We hope to display these near our values tree.

Enjoy the pictures from our costumes today and a few more...

Mr. Wainwright