Thursday 3 March 2016

World Book Day and Lego Maths

This week Class 3 have been introduced to fractions and tomorrow we will be looking at fractions in a practical session linked to Lego.  I will add some more photos of this activity soon. 
Today has been World Book Day and the children have been doing activities based on the books of Roald Dahl.

We started by reading the start of George's Marvellous Medicine and then Mr. Wainwright made his own medicine from liquids he had at home  (don't ask!).  We found out that the medicine made Mr. Wainwright go bald. 
Follow the instructions carefully

Get ready to taste it...

What happened?

All of us then designed our own ' Marvellous Medicine'.   These are on display in the wet area of Class 3.  Next we read the chapters about the chewing gum machine from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Our challenge was to design our own three part chewing gum and write about how it worked.  We had fitness gum, healthy gum and 3 meals in a day gum. 
Our final challenge was to make a short picture book for Class 1 about one of our school values.  We hope to display these near our values tree.

Enjoy the pictures from our costumes today and a few more...

Mr. Wainwright


  1. Thanks for all the lovely photos. It was great to come in yesterday and share in what Class 3 were doing. Jude's mum.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! We did have good fun.

  2. I really loved world book day I wish its on every Thursday now ��Charlotte

    1. You wrote some wonderful pieces of writing too Charlotte, well done!

  3. I was slightly concerned when Esmé decided she wanted to go to school dressed as The Tiger and The Pink Hat. The tiger wears rollerskates, and I could see thisome was what Esmé intended to do!

    We spent lots of time facepainting and finding props, such as perfume, hats, gloves etc.

    Then off Esmé went to school in ROLLERSKATES!! (Spare trainers in her bag). She did very well. When I came to pick her up, much to my surprise, she was still wearing the skates!

    Esmé loved the day and said she would like to go as the same character next year.

    Well done everyone. You all had fantastic costumes!

    Kelly, Esmés mum.

    1. I'm so jealous I didn't get to see this!!! Well done Esmé. You're much braver than me!! Hope you had fun :)

  4. I loved World Book Day it took a rather long time to do my face paint but it was worth it. It was cool roller skating around [well most of the time I was on my bottom falling around here and there. It was cool designing our Gum can't wait to make it! I must say well done to Lucy for all the time and effort you put into making that scrummy chocolate cake a wonderful prop that was . Well done everyone!

    1. P.S I forgot to put my name Esme

    2. Esme you looked amazing, I'm glad you enjoyed the day, I did too.

  5. I enjoyed doing it because it was fun.
    LOVED THE CAKE!!!!!!
