Thursday 24 March 2016

Minion Maths and Photos from our Island Models

We have been solving a Minion Maths Challenge this morning linked to the Minion alphabet where A=£1, B=£2.... Z=£26
We had to find out what was the most expensive letter in words from one - ten.  Can any parents solve this and explain why it would have the largest total?
The children showed amazing mental maths skills, using near doubles, number bonds and addition in any order to solve.
Some children moved to the Golden Challenge to find words that would total £100.  Can you find anymore? 

The Class 3 team wish you all a wonderful Easter break and thank you for all your support over the Spring term, we are all looking forward to exploring the works of Roald Dahl next term.  Active Learn activities have all been updated with new books and maths games too linked to fractions and time.  You can choose your games and books, I have uploaded a range of books so you can find one suitable to enjoy!

Mr. Wainwright

Brilliant mental maths today Imogen!

Look at the concentration


I think I'll put this here

Jack is proud of his work

+19.... I remember +20 then -1

The famous Minion alphabet


  1. I love a challenge! I feel like Kevin the minion as I don't even understand the question. Can you explain again in more minion language please so I can have a go.

  2. Hold the phone Mr Wainwright! I've been very clever, cunning and Gru like and have looked at the wonderful picture of Imogen and now I completely understand what your question is asking.

  3. I've got my answer. Do you want on here or in person next term?

  4. Hi, i have been in a caravan in Wales with no signal! Glad you've had a go at the challenge... Yes, put a solution on here. There are over 100 words you can have. No looking at Google. Happy holidays everyone.

  5. Okey kokey. If I've grasped this minion maths well, I deduce that the most valuable word from one to ten is seven. I calculated that the word seven adds up to £65, this is because it's one of three longest words from one-ten and of the three it has the most high value letters in it. I discovered, incidentally that the second most high value word is "two" and although this only has three letters in it, they are all a far way down the alphabet so therefore are worth more.

    With regards to making up my own high value words, I'll have to give that some further thought.

    P.s - I hope you didn't blow away during the storm?!

    1. Excellent... A+, all correct..I'm impressed with Xylophone below too. Great explanations. Hope you enjoyed doing this.

    2. Oh fab! My highest ever school grade. Thank you.

    3. How about "extravaganza"

  6. How ant this one class three (although I bet you beat me to this):

    XYLOPHONE = £134


  7. TSAMPOUNA (Greek Bagpipe) = £120

    I'm still trying to think of one to beat Team Squire. I think you may have won! Well done!

    Kelly, Esmes Mum

  8. Wowzers Kelly and Esme. That's a awesome word! I've been trying to pronounce it (rubs head vigorously).

    A Greek bagpipe eh? Everyday is a school day.

  9. Well done! Good to see you having a go, good practice for mental maths. Try elephant...
