Thursday 26 June 2014

Homework : 27th June 2014

Firstly an apology to everyone for the misprint in the first calculation on the division homework sent out last week. Congratulations to Mr Hill and Mr/s Simpson for both quality control and persevering with their children to explain the right answer!

In view of Sports Day and Summer Show rehearsals the children are exhausted.  For this reason I would ask that this week's homework be: 1. continue to practice those all important times tables; 2. continue to read to an adult and 3. practice the first five most common spelling mistakes in Class 3 by making silly sentences!

Mrs Smith

Saturday 21 June 2014

Just a thought ....


I can't help noticing that some of you return to my very first post to write your up-to-date blogs. Would you prefer for me to put a post up every Monday morning where you can comment during the week on that week's particular learning?  Otherwise I'll forget to check the much older blogs.

For example,  if I hadn't been looking today I wouldn't of known that Megan and Molly want to finish their Big Writes! (which girls I have decided that of course we can finish them off next week).

Let me know.

Mrs Smith

Little request for help (well actually, a big request!!)

On Sports Day all classes  will be running their Novelty races based on World Cup countries. The country Class 3 are  representing will be good old Italy.

For our race to be really fun I am desperate to borrow 5 (or possible 6) children's aprons.  I would suggest adults but with Health and Safety I don't want the children tripping up in them!

Also, and this is stretching it a bit I know, would anybody have either children's chefs hats and/or big pepper mills? (again, I need 5/6).

Oh and I don't suppose there would be 5/6 italian flags out there? !!  Just a thought.

grazie  !

Mrs Smith 
PS if you can post on here that would be great - just so we don't end up with 25 aprons !

Thursday 19 June 2014

Today's maths plenary by Thomas and Lily

Today we were learning how to do remainders we learnt to use our times tables and number lines we had to work out how many remainders there are can you work out these sums 28 divided by 3=             72 divided by 5=             25 divided by 4=       

ok so draw a number line and use your multipeles 3 in your first question - then work out find the difference.

Lily and Thomas. 

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Reading homework : 19 June 2014

I wonder how many of you have managed to look at the Oxford Owl link (on the right hand side) which has a huge selection of eBooks available for you to read.

Why not have a look at "The Destroyer" in the Project X Alien Adventure series?  You'll love the characters as they get teleported to save Planet Exis!  If this book doesn't excite you, have a look at what others are available - there are 250 to choose from.  If you have younger brothers or sisters why not share a book with them from the younger age ranges?

Let me know what you think of Oxford Owl and whether you have found it easy to use by writing your comments here on the Blog.

Mrs Smith

Literacy Homework 19th June 2014 and weblink


I promised to post the Story Starter link  for your literacy homework this week - here it is:

Remember one of the best ways to achieve a good story is to plan, plan, plan!!!  Use the skills you have been learning in class this week - actually writing the story may not take as long as producing the plan!! Re-watch the clip - remember your reactions!!  Good luck. 

Mrs Smith  

Friday 13 June 2014

Another great week in Class 3!

We have really worked hard once again this week.  In Maths the children were so enthusiastic about multiplication that we spent the whole week on this important area.  Therefore next week (16th) we shall begin working on division.  As I repeatedly say, please keep practising those times tables - children I hope you are beginning to understand why I say you really need to know them inside out and back to front! Knowing your times tables will make your calculations next week even quicker and you will be super confident!!

Literacy, through characterisation, drama and reading a variety of adventure stories, has proved truly exciting as the children learn new skills in writing.  I wonder how many children will be able to identify the number of simple, compound and complex sentences I write in this particular blog!  Next week we shall be looking at the importance plotting a story - and yes Will we are moving towards creating that exciting ending to the Pyramids of Giza - and in particular how a story builds up to a problem.

We have begun to think about air resistance and how we can use plastic bags of varying sizes to investigate this force.  If any parent has a couple of different size plastic bags (preferably not Sainsburys, or any other local supermarket!) that they could donate I would be grateful.

Mrs Bowles has been particularly impressed with KS2 for the speed, through their own perseverance and determination, with which the words for the Summer Show songs are being learnt.  All KS2 have been issued the words to bring home.  These should have been in the book bags this week - please children carry on practising at home as much as possible.  Well done to Class 3 for your part in this.

Can I pass on my particularly grateful thanks to the Youth Group of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints.  The Group turned up like a true Gardening SOS team on Tuesday evening and were entirely responsible for clearing all the raised beds for me, which will enable a Gardening Club to be set up (watch the website/letters home for more information).  I was amazed at the number who turned up to help and the results achieved.  Thank you so much.

Children I know you know that you have all be given separate Maths homework but please don't forget to check your Reading Journals to ensure that you complete the Literacy homework too!!

Finally, I am really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at tomorrow's Summer Fayre.  The staff certainly appreciate all the help and fund-raising the Friends of Fordham give to us! Hopefully it will be a sunny (but slightly breezy) day especially for the Grand Opening of our Outdoor Learning Environment.

Mrs Smith

Friday 6 June 2014

Wow !!

How exciting to be able to communicate with you all by means of modern technology!!

Firstly the children have had an exciting week concentrating on mental maths (including multiplication/division by 4 and 8) - I would love the children to practice this at home over the weekend as we shall be continuing with both mental and written methods of division and multiplication over the following week.

In Literacy we have begun to look at Adventure and Mystery.  The children have worked hard on character descriptions.  I have asked the children if they could collect some 'clues' over the weekend about one of their characters that they are preparing to include in a story.  These clues can be put into a special box (shoe box or big chocolate tin) and brought into class for Monday.

Finally, today we have learnt about the importance of the D-Day Landings and how we must all be mindful of significant historic events and the way they have impacted on modern society. The session culminated in a good old sing-song to "We'll Meet Again" and painting a flag to represent the Allied Countries.

Next week we shall continue with our Science topic (Forces), Maths and Literacy will continue as above and rehearsals shall be begin for our Summer Show.

Exciting times!

Mrs Smith