Thursday 19 June 2014

Today's maths plenary by Thomas and Lily

Today we were learning how to do remainders we learnt to use our times tables and number lines we had to work out how many remainders there are can you work out these sums 28 divided by 3=             72 divided by 5=             25 divided by 4=       

ok so draw a number line and use your multipeles 3 in your first question - then work out find the difference.

Lily and Thomas. 


  1. well done lily and thomas you did really well today in maths if i was you guys i would find it really easy really really well at the beging you find it really hard but you did really well epic well done

  2. Thank you From Thomas I really enoyed it.

  3. Thomas it was my pleasure. You all worked extremely hard today with me and showed real perseverance. To see all the group's smiling faces at the end was totally worth it! Isn't it amazing what we can achieve? Hope you are looking forward to the homework!!!

    Mrs Smith

  4. is the question anwser is 8

  5. hi Mrs Smith
    I really enjoyed the BIG write today because my story was quite interesting (to me)
    I know it was fathers day a long time ago but on fathers day, for the first time,I went fruit picking and I got lots of strawberries and gooseberries.
    Mummy is going to bake a gooesberrie pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY!!!!!!!!!
    love from

  6. I really liked maths this morning because I had to challenge myself. I also liked big write. From Ella

  7. I no hard 28 dived 3 =9 r 1
    72 dived 5= 14 r 2
    25 dived 4=6 r 1
