Friday 13 June 2014

Another great week in Class 3!

We have really worked hard once again this week.  In Maths the children were so enthusiastic about multiplication that we spent the whole week on this important area.  Therefore next week (16th) we shall begin working on division.  As I repeatedly say, please keep practising those times tables - children I hope you are beginning to understand why I say you really need to know them inside out and back to front! Knowing your times tables will make your calculations next week even quicker and you will be super confident!!

Literacy, through characterisation, drama and reading a variety of adventure stories, has proved truly exciting as the children learn new skills in writing.  I wonder how many children will be able to identify the number of simple, compound and complex sentences I write in this particular blog!  Next week we shall be looking at the importance plotting a story - and yes Will we are moving towards creating that exciting ending to the Pyramids of Giza - and in particular how a story builds up to a problem.

We have begun to think about air resistance and how we can use plastic bags of varying sizes to investigate this force.  If any parent has a couple of different size plastic bags (preferably not Sainsburys, or any other local supermarket!) that they could donate I would be grateful.

Mrs Bowles has been particularly impressed with KS2 for the speed, through their own perseverance and determination, with which the words for the Summer Show songs are being learnt.  All KS2 have been issued the words to bring home.  These should have been in the book bags this week - please children carry on practising at home as much as possible.  Well done to Class 3 for your part in this.

Can I pass on my particularly grateful thanks to the Youth Group of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints.  The Group turned up like a true Gardening SOS team on Tuesday evening and were entirely responsible for clearing all the raised beds for me, which will enable a Gardening Club to be set up (watch the website/letters home for more information).  I was amazed at the number who turned up to help and the results achieved.  Thank you so much.

Children I know you know that you have all be given separate Maths homework but please don't forget to check your Reading Journals to ensure that you complete the Literacy homework too!!

Finally, I am really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at tomorrow's Summer Fayre.  The staff certainly appreciate all the help and fund-raising the Friends of Fordham give to us! Hopefully it will be a sunny (but slightly breezy) day especially for the Grand Opening of our Outdoor Learning Environment.

Mrs Smith


  1. Iv'e bookmarked hit the button so im practising oliver

  2. who can tell me first 8x8 6x8 3x8 and 21x8
    reply or tell me at shcool oliver

    mrs Smith 43 x 8

    mrs Staford 21 x 4

    mrs Macmorin 32 x 5

    mr Hendasion 52 x 7

    mrs Bowles 49 x 9

    mr Wrainright im gving you a challenge+ 968 x 11

    dont forget perseviere


    1. Hi Thomas here the answers to the above i hope are the following.

      Mrs Smith 43x8=344 40 320+24=344
      x 320 3x8=24

      Mrs Stafford 21x4 =84 4x20=80 4x1=4 80+4= 84

      Mrs Macmorrin 32x5= 160 5x30= 150 5x2= 10 150+10 =160

      Mr Henderson 52x7=364 7x50= 350 2x7=14 350+14=364

      Mrs Bowles 49x9= 441 9x40= 360 9X9= 81 360+81=441

      Mr Wainwright 968x11= 10648 900 x10= 9000 10x60 = 600 8x10= 80 = 9680

      9680+ 968 = 9680+1000= 10680 1000-968= 32 32-10680= 10648

      from Thomas Britton

    2. ones wrong but well done

  3. Wow Oliver I'm so impressed to see how much you love interacting with our Class Blog!! It's great that you have bookmarked 'HIt the Button' - perhaps your Parents will allow you to play it twice a day? This will ensure that you become quicker with your times tables then me!! (Don't forget to use the 'Divide by' games as well, as divide is the ......... of multiply).

    Now to answer my challenge, well I can't do that straight away in my head, so do you mind if I partition first? This way I know that 40 x 8 = 320 and 3 x 8 = 24, then I add my two answers together to make the answer 344. Have I got it right? What could I use to double-check once I have worked it out in my head?

    I haven't forgotten perseverance either as, although feeling pretty tired from such a lovely Summer Fayre today, I am endeavouring (look at me and my vocabulary!) to now mark all your wonderful Big Write stories that you wrote for me on Friday morning. Tell me did you enjoy the Big Write?

    Now I certainly think that you have earnt four team points for being the 'Best Blogger' to date but promise me one thing as I can't help notice the time of your blogs, you are getting enough sleep aren't you?
    Mrs Smith

    1. I go to sleep at 9:00 and wake up 6:00. oliver

    2. and yes you have got it right

  4. Thank you to everyone who came to the Summer Fayre and to all the Mum's and Dad's of Class 2 who helped us to make it such a fun afternoon.

    A very big thank you to Mrs Smith for manning a couple of our stalls, I know the children will have been delighted to see you there!

    Eva and Lily's Mum

  5. do you know what 7395 x 23 is? libby

    1. 0 23 46 69 92 ..... 7372 my brian is jungled up is it 55 oli

  6. Mr Wainwright can you do 9628 x 6 + 34 =
    sure you can't libby

    1. Using the Japanese maths system it was 57802


  7. I really enjoy learning about adventure and mystery in class 3. Especially now that I know lots of powerful verbs and adjectives(thanks to Mrs Smith)

  8. Ooops that was libby by the way!

  9. Libby, 9628 x 6 = 57,768 + 34 = 57,802. Thank you for the challenge.
    Oliver: 968 x 10= 9,680 + 968 = 10,648. Who can see how I worked it out?

  10. To Mrs Smith there are 6 compound sentences and 7 complex sentences i think in your Blogg.

    Regards Thomas Britton
