Sunday 26 April 2015

Class 3 children and parents: Easy way to earn vital house points!!

Dear Class 3

I will be giving away house points to everyone who responds to our Class 3 blogs from now on.  It's easy to respond and earn a house point. Every week I let your parents know what have been the highlights of the week, what we have learnt and what we will be learning the following week.  Let everyone know how your week has been for example: what have you enjoyed, what did you feel were the areas you improved most in, was there a struggle at the beginning of the week that you overcame during the week or maybe something that you would like to learn about!  Your comments can be about any learning during the week - literacy, maths, pe, computing etc. You don't have to wait for the end of the week either - you may go home excited about something that has happened that day - just add them to my last post on the Blog.  The world is your oyster!!

Encourage your adults at home (parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles etc) to write a response on our Class Blogs.  It could be a comment about something you have learnt that you have talked about at home, their views on Bug Club or Active Learn, questions about the week ahead.  Anything which is relevant to Class 3 (and not too difficult for me to answer!).

But please, always let me know if you or your adult at home has responded (we don't want to loose those vital house points).

Remember your house points matter - just one more house point could make all the difference  as to whether your house is on the 'winner's table' for the following week or not. Go grab them, I know that you can.

Mrs S

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