Sunday 26 April 2015

The Week Ahead and finally Bug Club news!!

Dear Parents

Firstly, I know I often say this but it is so true, I am so, so proud of everyone in Class 3 for their work on Fractions last week.  The buzz and vibrancy as the children choose their own challenge for each maths lesson was quite something.  I think the children will agree that they love choosing their own challenges - and all progressed beyond their own expectations.  Well done Class 3.

As for next week, I do not want to lose the momentum set by t he children, so I have planned to continue a little more on Fractions.  We will spend some time on tenths and hundredths before moving on to answering 'word' problems.  An area the children all feel a little uneasy with and I want to sure them that it's not the words that matter but the maths they are being asked to do.

Literacy sees us working towards writing an independent opening to 'Up - the Sequel'.  Again, as in previous posts, whilst reading with your children please have a look at how their reading book began and, in particular, the way in which the reader is 'hooked' into the story.

RE will be our main focus during the afternoons and we shall be learning about Muhammad and the Qur'an.  This learning will link to our PSHE objective to appreciate the range of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom.

In computing Mrs Sibley will be teaching the children to create their own Excel spreadsheets.  This will incorporate learning how to create the appropriate formula to be able to estimate how many balloons the children will need to sell, and at what price, in order to make a profit for our Class 3 Balloon Race (to take place at the end of Sports Day). The money raised from the Balloon Race will go towards the School adoption of an animal at Colchester Zoo.

Finally, I am hopeful that I have cracked it and all children have now been allocated 2 reading books on Bug Club and 2 Active Learn games (on fractions).  The children are all aware that both can now be accessed through their Active Learn log-in (they no longer have a separate Bug Club log-in).  We have been through this in class, so I am confident they will all be able to find their allocations.

I hope that you will have all seen my previous post regarding house points - come on everyone, help your child earn house points on our Class Blog, join the fun and become part of our fantastic Class 3 community!

Mrs Smith

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