Thursday 30 April 2015

Thank you for amazing homework

Dear Children

You have all produced such amazing homework - well done everyone!  I thought that I would share a few examples with you here on the Blog.

As I explained, Mr Wainwright asked to see examples of your homework at our staff meeting this week.  This is why you will only be getting your homework books back tomorrow (Friday).  Your homework for this week, in addition to the Active Learn and Bug Club books, will be to design an information text (only over a double-page of your homework book please), on Equivalent Fractions.  Imagine you are teaching another child all about equivalent fractions, what would you tell them? Think about the design - bright, colourful, are you going to have key facts, text boxes, examples of equivalent fractions?  These are just some ideas - make it your own!!  I look forward to receiving your homework which I would like returned by Friday, 8th May.

For now here are the photos:


  1. Absolutely fantastic home learning Class 3! I have added some pictures onto the gallery on the school website. Take a look, your coding picture might be there also.

  2. Class 3, these projects are amazing. I wanted to read all of them. Mrs Toyne

  3. Mrs Smith, Saxen used his relative fraction homework to calculate what 2/3 add 1/2 was (4/6 add 3/6). He then realised he had a top heavy fraction (7/6) and worked out on his own that it was 1 and 1/6. Mrs Toyne

    1. Saxen - amazing learning, that is exactly what we like to hear.
      Come to collect a house point from me. Well done!
      Mrs S

    2. Saxen - amazing learning, that is exactly what we like to hear.
      Come to collect a house point from me. Well done!
      Mrs S
