Friday 17 April 2015

Summer Term, Summer Learning!!

Welcome back to everyone!!

What a fantastic week it has been.  Class 3 are using the film 'Up' to drive their learning this term. We have already looked at the beginning of the film to help us learn more about fronted adverbials and pronouns.  We have ended the week creating a 'class' opening for the film which the children shall learn using Talk for Writing strategies,before innovating this to write their own opening next week.

In Maths we have been learning time.  There are some children who struggle a little with reading an analogue clock and therefore  I would be grateful if parents could help support their children to tell the time using an analogue clock (I do understand that nearly almost all the clocks we have are digital nowadays).  Time tables, this is such an important knowledge.  The expectation is that by the end of Year 4 all children will know their first 12 times tables.   Can I, once again, stress the need for you to be working with your child on these.

In Science, KS2 have begun to look at Plants (Year 4 continue to have Mrs Dixon and Year 3 remain with me).  We had some extremely detailed drawings/observations of plants yesterday - we were very impressed, well done Year 3s!

Finally Oaks and Acorns met on Thursday.  We combined this visit between a presentation from Mr Randall on trees and planting sunflower seeds with myself.  Everyone seemed to love the activities.

Next week in Maths we shall return to equivalent fractions.  In Literacy the children will write their own opening for their version of "Up - the Sequel", we will learn more about Plants in Science and travel to South America in Geography.  In PE the children are learning Cricket and Rounders.

Homework has been given out today.  I have asked the children to research the Amazon Rainforest. They can present their work/research anyway they chose but it must be in their homework books and no bigger than a double-page spread please.  This homework does not need to be handed in until Monday, 28th April 2015.  I have also allocated new books on Bug Club and Active Learn tasks

Mrs Smith

Lydia's drawing

Beautiful drawing by Louis

Oaks and Acorns planting Sunflower Seeds

Year 3 observing plants

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