Sunday 19 April 2015

Reading Activity

Dear Parents

A thought whilst Bug Club issues are sorted ....

We spent the week (and will carry on next week), looking at the openings to stories. Can I suggest that as a reading task you may wish to look at the opening of your child's reading book.  Discuss how the story opens - particularly moving away from "One day ... ", which quite a few children still prefer!  Discuss how the setting is described, adjectives that are used to describe it and how characters are introduced.  All you children are fab at identifying fronted adverbials - can they find any and explain to you what they are?

All examples can be written in their reading journals - house points on offer for those with the most examples!!

Again, for fear of becoming a nag, please continue to practice times tables and reading analogue clocks.  Whilst I am sure they all wish to race out of bed on a school day, tell them the time when they get up, explain that breakfast will be in 10, 15, 20 minutes - what time will it be?  Discuss the duration of travelling time to school, how many minutes will it take to get to school?  Questions such as "School starts at 8,40 am - how long until breaktime (10.30 am)" etc, all help to reinforce time. Once more house points will be on offer to the children who tell me they have solved time problems!!

Many thanks

Mrs S

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to congratulate each and every one of you for all your 'challenge' learning last week, I have been so impressed. Keep up the positive attitude and keep challenging yourselves.
