Thursday 28 January 2016

Persuasive Writing, Multiplication and more

This week we completed our adventure story unit with some excellent warm and hot pieces of writing, you will see the books at learning conferences!  Children remembered to use inverted commas to add speech to their writing and descriptions were much improved.
We are now working on persuasive leaflets and have looked at a number of leaflets to find examples of persuasive language, alliteration, imperative verbs, sub headings, the use of colour and quotes from visitors.
Is this persuasive language?

That illustration helps persuade

How many sub headings?

I found the imperative verb!
In Maths I have been delighted with how Class 3's mental maths is improving.  We looked at the 19 times table today from our Number of the Day work (+20 then -1).  We are now looking at multiplication and tomorrow will be using our 3 times table knowledge to solve written grid method questions, practising our addition too.
In RE we have made a 'chain of respect' with people from different religions we have been learning about and adding the symbols and other information about those religions to our people.  In theme Music this week Mrs. Ward has been sharing the songs of Bob Marley and we have been working our own reggae rhythms.
We hope to have our theme art linked to environmental issues in Brazil on display soon for you all to see too.

Mr. Wainwright

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Home Learning: 20.01.2016

I would like you to research and find out about Reggae music and Bob Marley. We will be learning more about this style of music in school next week.

Things you may like to do:

·         Create your own reggae song

·         Make a music video

·         Create a Powerpoint presentation about Bob Marley

·         Create a poster with facts

·         Create a piece of artwork


Your book tasks are as follows:


Y2: Grammar book pgs: 10-11

    Maths book pgs: 17-18

Y3: Grammar book pgs: 18-21

    Maths book pgs: 7, 20 and 21


Homework is due back on: 01-02-2016

Saturday 23 January 2016

Week Three: multiplication, story writing and egg dropping!

Hi hi hi!
So sorry for the delayed post but I have spent the last three days decorating my living room! As you can imagine, it is quite hectic with a one year old!

Last week was fab as always and we did some amazing learning with lots of progress.

Can I take this opportunity also to thank you all (parents and children AND siblings (Grace!) for all the amazing homework. I was blown away by how much time and effort you all put in... it was honestly the best homework I have ever seen in all my years as a teacher! Big thumbs up to all of you!!

Anyway, as I was saying... learning this week has been brilliant. In Maths we have started our work on multiplication and division by learning some key facts to help us with our understanding. 'Buy 1 get 3 Free' is a great tip to understanding the inverse rule.  I think we all realised this week however, just how important it is to really practise those times tables as much as possible because without those, it's tricky to learn anything else. Any practise helps... I've always been a fan of having a poster on the back of the bathroom door so you can learn them while laying in the bath (or sitting on the toilet!). Because of the need to practise, Mr Wainwright and I have decided to have a 'Times Tables of the Week' as a focus for everyone. Next week will be focussing on the 3x table so any help at home with this will be truly helpful.  Class three, if you already know your 3x table, how about working out the division facts? Or use the 3x table to help you learn your 6's? or even your 30's? How about your 0.3's? There's always a way that you can challenge yourself to become a better Mathematician!

English has been really fun this week because we have made our own story using the same structure as Rio. Our main character is Carma the Chameleon who is a vegetarian and can't change colour! Class 3 have worked hard to write really interesting introductions to hook the reader in and then tried amazingly hard to vary their sentences.  They loved the fact that I usually teach Year Five's the work they were doing! Great stuff!
During our topic work this week we have been learning about the popular cities in Brazil with the intention of creating our own holiday brochures next week. Science was so fun on Wednesday- the Year Three's used their designs to create a structure to keep an egg safe. We dropped them out of the staff room window! See below for some funny pictures. The Science in the activity was all linked to how our skin, muscles and bones protect our vital organs.

Homework this week is to find out about Bob Marley and Reggae. Forgive me but I haven't made a note on my home laptop about the pages in the Grammar and Maths books. I will make sure to add these in a comment first thing on Monday.

Have a lovely rest of your weekend- make sure that your ready for more learning next week!

Mrs Ward :)